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Judicial shockers ... The justice business ... Appeal admonitions ... Sore bottoms for those lower down the chain of command ... Nationwide lapses ... Perfection proves elusive ... Latest from Ginger Snatch ... Read more ...

Politics Media Law Society

Journalism's new poster boy ... Our Julian's long and winding road … Legal quagmire … Espionage Act versus prior restraint of the press … The born-again "journalist" who hates journalism … Establishing a treacherous precedent … Not letting shortcomings swamp the positives ... Read on ... 

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It's too late for the thylacine ... Procrustes closely analyses recent Justinian reports ... The Ippster and Stella Liebeck ... Tort law reform that went beyond the Pale ... In Tassie, no one is allowed to speak for the forests ... Standing up against State rule of the trees ... Where's Syd Shea when you need him? ... Read more ... 

Blow the whistle


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Vic's Bar ... Oral history ... Jeff Sher and his famous cases ... More >>

Justinian's Bloggers

Courtroom capers ... Federal Court's digital hiccups ... Principal Registrar in home run ... Pronunciation requirements for names and pre-nominate ... Elocution audit ... Common law shuffle in New South Wales ... Vicki Mole reports ... Read more ... 

"I think it's madness to change it. If you walked into a McDonald's hamburger restaurant and they started serving you seafood, you'd be very confused if you were a customer."

Newington College old boy Peter Thomas arguing against the school admitting female students ... Reported in Guardian Australia, June 21, 2024 ... Read more flatulence ... 

Justinian Featurettes

The election season ... The case for compulsory voting ... Pity the Brits, French and Americans where politicians have to "get out the vote" ... Nathan Twibill on the advantages of the "median voter" strategy ... Vote early, vote often ... Read more ... 

Justinian's archive

Self-promotion ... Academics scramble to peddle influence with High Court judges ... Government seeks new role for s.18C ... Twenty-one years later, the cheque arrives ... Would you eat at a cafe owned by a Cabinet minister? ... From Justinian's Archive, October 27, 2014 ... Read more ... 



Justinian's archive

Entries in War crimes (7)


Hicks: war crime missing in action

Howard's terrorist pin-up boy David Hicks convicted of a war crime that doesn't exist ... DC Circuit Court of Appeals finds "material support for terrorism" is not a war crime ... Hicks' conviction likely to be quashed ... Bullied into a plea deal by the Bush and Howard governments in 2007 ... Soapy Brandis looking more than usually idiotic ... Miscarriage of justice 

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Straying from the rightful path

Corporate mercenaries settle with Iraqi victims ... While Abu Ghraib contractor ducks liability for torture ... Corporates and conservatives generally pleased after Supreme Court's latest term ... British newspaper scoops US media on major security story ... Spying on attorneys at Gitmo ... Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch, reports 

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The Monte Cristo syndrome

Guantánamo: give evidence against other prisoners and we might let you out, one day ... As long as you're not too angry ... The new prosecution paradigm and the latest stitch-up ... Plus, the legal basis for drone killing of Americans without due process ... Roger Fitch - Our Man in Washington 

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The post-legal society

Reinventing the Constitution ... New war crime propped up by discredited 1818 case ... Pentagon stacks military commission review court ... Rogue circuit court circumvents habeas for Guantanameros ... CIA homicides investigated by grand jury ... Our Man in Washington reports 

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Burying the Bush-era scandals

Bush hacks  winning the war of attrition as Democrats bail out of the DoJ ... Khadr case shaping-up to set a dangerous precedent - it's a war crime to shoot at an American soldier ... Roger Fitch reports from Washington 


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The Fourth of July

Obama administration gets it’s first Guantánamo conviction … Osama’s cook and bottle washer pleads guilty to “material support” ... David Hicks also pleaded guilty to this non-existent “war crime”

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Supreme Court wonderland

Modifying Miranda ... Torture popping up everywhere ... Medicos in the war crime frame ... How the government switches the constitution on and off ... Ballet dancing detainees could be swapped ... Our Man in Washington reports

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