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"I think it's madness to change it. If you walked into a McDonald's hamburger restaurant and they started serving you seafood, you'd be very confused if you were a customer."

Newington College old boy Peter Thomas arguing against the school admitting female students ... Reported in Guardian Australia, June 21, 2024 ... Read more flatulence ... 

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Entries in Guantanamo (25)


Torture and the American way of doing business

Torture-Lite was a by-word of the Bush era ... It turned out to be Torture-Gruesome ... CIA spinning frantically after getting bad marks from the Senate ... Slow trickle of Guantánamo releases ... Latest federal election saw woeful voter turnout ... The FBI can decode your DNA at warp speed ... From Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch 

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Dire consequences

The fallout from the Supreme Court's "money talks" theory of participatory democracy ... US Supremes give green light to states' marriage equality laws ... Prosecuting a non-war crime with no connection to the US ... Senate report on CIA torture soon to be buried ... Useful revelations from presidential libraries ... Roger Fitch reports from Washington 

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Torture news

Contraception insurance and the theocratic consequences of Hobby Lobby ... CIA tortured find justice in Europe ... Guantánamo judge resigns as DC Court throws a spanner in the works of the Military Commissions ... From Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch 

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Hicks: war crime missing in action

Howard's terrorist pin-up boy David Hicks convicted of a war crime that doesn't exist ... DC Circuit Court of Appeals finds "material support for terrorism" is not a war crime ... Hicks' conviction likely to be quashed ... Bullied into a plea deal by the Bush and Howard governments in 2007 ... Soapy Brandis looking more than usually idiotic ... Miscarriage of justice 

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End of term

Supreme Court lets God into the Affordable Care Act ... And strikes down certain compulsory union dues ... At last - a Guantánamo detainee charged with a genuine war crime ... Obama's Taliban prisoner swap ... Whatever you do, don't shoot at an American in a war ... From Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch 

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The corn is as high as an elephant's eye

The deep and rich jurisprudence of the US Supremes ... What a Catholic god-fearing majority can do to the law ... FBI caught meddling in Guantánamo commissions ... CIA weapons stash discovered ... Oklahama experiments with new execution drug ... From Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch 

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Money speech

US Supremes deregulate campaign funding and redefine corruption ... First Amendment to move into corporate religious liberty ... Remembering Ambassador Robert McCallum ... Senate and CIA clash over pending report into torture and black hole prisons ... From Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch

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The unexpected

More delicious NSA revelations ... Getting off the no-fly list ... Guantánamo update ... Remaking the law of war ... Botched executions ... Wall Street's lack of conviction ... Roger Fitch files from Washington 

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Home of the brave

Year in review from Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch ... National Rifle Association's dreams come true ... Business lobby group wants more exploitation of the masses ... Guantánamo 11 years on ... Gay rights take hold ... As does the NSA 

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Terrorist haberdashers

Rich pickings to be had from new season at the Supremes ... All aboard for questioning on the high seas ... NY trials for alleged embassy bombers ... What to do with all the evesdropped information? ... IT problems for defence counsel at Guantánamo ... Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch, reports 

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Perfidy in peacetime

The United States doesn't require a war for there to be "war crimes ... Stopping the "water cure" from flowing into the trial process ... European Court of Human Rights upsets the CIA's apple cart ... Roger Fitch files from Washington 

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Supreme Court timebombs

New term for US Supremes ... Certiorari petitions ... Critical mass theory of constitutional change ... Presidential election and the court ... Judicial techniques ... Conspiracy as a war crime ... The CIA agent who didn't torture winds-up in jail ... Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch, reports 

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Epic injustice for child soldier

After 10 years at Guantánamo Omar Khadr is transferred to prison in Canada ... Convicted of a war crime for lawful actions against an opposing uniformed soldier in a war ... Perversion of the law of war ... Roger Fitch reports from Washington 

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The President's right to kill Americans

Clients at the Bay ... Everyone's getting tired of "targeted killings" by the "serial assassin" ... Brits pay compo to resident mistreated at Gitmo ... How to make cases go away ... DoJ drops Goldman Sachs prosecution ... Huge public disapproval of Congress ... Roger Fitch reports from Washington 

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Election year show trials

US Supremes summarily dismiss review of Citizens United ... Judicial appointments frozen ... Obama's drone frenzy makes him "hit-man-in-chief" ... Guantánamo trials seek to neuter Republican bellicosity ... The sham of habeas hearings ... Our Man in Washington reports 

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The Monte Cristo syndrome

Guantánamo: give evidence against other prisoners and we might let you out, one day ... As long as you're not too angry ... The new prosecution paradigm and the latest stitch-up ... Plus, the legal basis for drone killing of Americans without due process ... Roger Fitch - Our Man in Washington 

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Drones are taking over 

European governments oppose US claim to impose liability for overseas wrongs of foreign corporations ... Legal professional privilege threatened at Gitmo ... Congress wants drones buzzing around US skies ... Is conspiracy a war crime? ... Roger Fitch, Our Man in Washington, files this report 

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The post-legal society

Reinventing the Constitution ... New war crime propped up by discredited 1818 case ... Pentagon stacks military commission review court ... Rogue circuit court circumvents habeas for Guantanameros ... CIA homicides investigated by grand jury ... Our Man in Washington reports 

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Guantanameros and the fingerprints of bad lawyers

The Guantánamo files ... Roger Fitch, Our Man in Washington, provides some historical context ... The law of indefinite detention  

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USA's new found regard for international law

Batting Padilla around the federal circuit courts ... The varied meanings of habeas corpus ... "Material support for terrorism" up for review in CMCR ... The Raymond Davis case - Vienna Convention applied to CIA agent ... Roger Fitch, Our Man in Washington

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