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"I think it's madness to change it. If you walked into a McDonald's hamburger restaurant and they started serving you seafood, you'd be very confused if you were a customer."

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Entries in US Supreme Court (16)


Dire consequences

The fallout from the Supreme Court's "money talks" theory of participatory democracy ... US Supremes give green light to states' marriage equality laws ... Prosecuting a non-war crime with no connection to the US ... Senate report on CIA torture soon to be buried ... Useful revelations from presidential libraries ... Roger Fitch reports from Washington 

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Law in the Age of Terror

Alien Tort law gives a leg-up to Abu Ghraib victims ... Preview of new Supreme Court term ... DoJ's misuse of state secrets privilege ... US ranking of billionaires according to their political influence ... Latest report on judicial corruption ... Roger Fitch, Our Man in Washington, reports 

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Torture news

Contraception insurance and the theocratic consequences of Hobby Lobby ... CIA tortured find justice in Europe ... Guantánamo judge resigns as DC Court throws a spanner in the works of the Military Commissions ... From Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch 

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End of term

Supreme Court lets God into the Affordable Care Act ... And strikes down certain compulsory union dues ... At last - a Guantánamo detainee charged with a genuine war crime ... Obama's Taliban prisoner swap ... Whatever you do, don't shoot at an American in a war ... From Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch 

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The corn is as high as an elephant's eye

The deep and rich jurisprudence of the US Supremes ... What a Catholic god-fearing majority can do to the law ... FBI caught meddling in Guantánamo commissions ... CIA weapons stash discovered ... Oklahama experiments with new execution drug ... From Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch 

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Money speech

US Supremes deregulate campaign funding and redefine corruption ... First Amendment to move into corporate religious liberty ... Remembering Ambassador Robert McCallum ... Senate and CIA clash over pending report into torture and black hole prisons ... From Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch

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More blockbusters coming to you

Israel given unfiltered NSA data ... All phone calls in the US are "relevant to terrorism" ... Defence contractor successfully sues torture victims for costs ... NY designates city mosques as "terrorism enterprises" ... US Supremes in need of a code of conduct ... Nixon on judicial appointments ... Roger Fitch files from the town in the process of shutting down  

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Straying from the rightful path

Corporate mercenaries settle with Iraqi victims ... While Abu Ghraib contractor ducks liability for torture ... Corporates and conservatives generally pleased after Supreme Court's latest term ... British newspaper scoops US media on major security story ... Spying on attorneys at Gitmo ... Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch, reports 

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Glory, glory, hallelujah

Old guard rallies to the cause of female CIA agent glorified fictionally in Zero Dark 30 ... Latest from US Supremes, including forthcoming important gene patent case ... Secret no-fly lists tested in court ... DoJ's sweetheart deals with badly behaved banks and bankers ... George W. Bush's Liberty and Freedom Institute opens for business ... Our Man in Washington

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Washington notebook

Gongs for drone crews ... Military detention for civilians ... Australia listed among the countries that collaborated with the CIA's "detention, rendition and interrogation" program ... Court vacancies at crisis point ... NRA lobbying on judicial appointments ... Clarence Thomas speaks ... Roger Fitch - Our Man in Washington  

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Supreme Court timebombs

New term for US Supremes ... Certiorari petitions ... Critical mass theory of constitutional change ... Presidential election and the court ... Judicial techniques ... Conspiracy as a war crime ... The CIA agent who didn't torture winds-up in jail ... Our Man in Washington, Roger Fitch, reports 

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Judicial politics of health care

Understanding the wrinkles of the "Obamacare" case? ... Politics, law and social policy ... Congress must not regulate "breathing in and out" ... The broccoli argument ... "Specious logic" on the commerce clause ... Stephen Keim and Benedict Coyne get to grips with the thinking of the US Supremes 

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Buying democracy

The best Supreme Court that money can buy ... Republican appointees perform like "plutocratic hacks" ... Electoral spending and voting laws ... Latest torture news ... Drone killings prompt civil cases for wrongful deaths ... Bush lawyer urges repeal of "Hague Invasion Act" ... Roger Fitch reports from Washington 

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The Republican dream

Congressional fat cats ... Corporate crime and financial defalcation ... Constitutional violations ... Gridlock on judicial and ambassadorial nominations ... Roger Fitch surveys the Washington landscape 

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Comforting the comfortable

Analysing the US Supremes most recent term - plenty of goodies for big business, nothing for plaintiff lawyers ... Alien Tort Statute up for a workout ... Torture cases batted around the circuit courts ... Rendition victims lose final appeal ... Our Man in Washington reports 

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America unhinged

Logjammed judicial vacancies gives the Chamber of Commerce a field day ... Bradley Manning's incarceration ... Nine year Guantanamo internments roll on without a remedy ... Federal Court indictments handed back to the Pentagon ... The anarchy of the Tea Party ... Our Man in Washington reports

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