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"I think it's madness to change it. If you walked into a McDonald's hamburger restaurant and they started serving you seafood, you'd be very confused if you were a customer."

Newington College old boy Peter Thomas arguing against the school admitting female students ... Reported in Guardian Australia, June 21, 2024 ... Read more flatulence ... 

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The life, loves, triumphs and disappointments of Tom Hughes KC ... Choice cuts from Ian Hancock's biography of Tom Hughes, A Cab on the Rank ... A painful move from 11 Selborne ... Skyrocketing fees ... Great cases ... Lionel Murphy - "not an easy client" ... Diary observations of judges, barristers and bar etiquette ... From Justinian's Archive, August 11, 2016 ... Read more ... 



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Entries in NSW Bar Association (35)


Abolish silks

Sydney SC writes to the editor calling for abolition of the silk system ... Appointments are anachronistic ... It's not a matter of ability, only notability ... Secret blackballing ... "Corrupt" process ... Confessions from an insider who played the game ... From Justinian's Archive, October 24, 2002 

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Sincere thanks for the rude letter

Correspondence from lofty places ... Margaret Cunneen replies to critic who accused her of derailing ICAC's important work ... Is it all the fault of her long-estranged sister? ... Unexpected love and support ... Mystery deepens 

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Conduct unbecoming

Conviction for sexual assault means barrister is not fit and proper ... Insistence on innocence only made things worse ... Behaviour unconnected with work as a barrister ... Dignity of the bar ... Kate Lilly on the case 

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Closing time at the bar n' grill

Grasping for silk ... A deadline is a deadline, except when the bar president extends it ... NSW barrister 12 minutes late with his silk application ... Bar not obliged to consider any application for silk ... Inner and outer bars ... No stigma in not being a silk ... Kate Lilly reports 

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Bar council royalists collapse

Updated on Sunday, November 16, 2014 by Registered CommenterJustinian

Royalist faction fails to consolidate electoral gains ... Fracture and isolation ... Wiser heads prevail as youngsters fail the chook raffle test ... Meanwhile, QCs saddle-up at VicBar 

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Silent investor 

NSW bar mum about its money ... Has it got ethical investments? ... Men are not necessary as Law Society elections send city solicitors into the reject bin ... Warnings for NT barristers not to be "cowards" prompts snippy reactions 

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Rise of the bunyip silks 

NSW bar elections sees pro-QC ticket romp home to take a majority on the council ... Bloodbath pending on the executive ... Members rally around pro-QC Cunneen ... Future looks uncertain as vanity triumphs 

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The Restoration 

Pro-QC ticket running candidates for NSW bar council election ... Move to capture control of bar and restore full plumage for silks ... Self-basting ... Terrible craving for monarchical accessories ... Public interest missing in action 

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Silk queue

Applicants for Senior Counsel in New South Wales ... 102 put their hands up in a bleak market ... Repeat contenders aplenty ... The list in full 

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QC or bust

NSW ginger group seeks to prise open the QC treasure chest ... Leagues Clubbers in cry for full plumage ... Rise of the one percent 

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Picking a small bone

Barrister's silk application arrives 12 minutes after deadline ... Told by bar executive director that it will not be considered ... No "special circumstances" ... Correspondence ... Lawyers at ten paces  

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Boulten off into the wide blue yonder 

Why has Phillip Boulten resigned as president of the NSW bar? ... Shock and dismay ... Rumour and speculation ... Pending judicial appointment or a long holiday? 

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Right royal skewering of NSW republicans 

Victorian silken-one warns about the evils of NSW SCs ... Where is the public interest? ... NSW should adopt the Victorian silk selection model ... The inferiority of Senior Counsel ... Discuss among yourselves 

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Costs snafu tangles chambers

Entire set of Sydney chambers caught by difficulty drafting a summons that complied with the rules ... Joyous Yarraside "QC" breaks out the frills and furbelows ... NSW bar says Queen's Counsel title is all about self-adornment and not in the public's interest 

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The Priestley Seven

NSW bar committee split on the QC question ... Unable to advise bar council on whether to ask the AG to restore briefs' favourite royal bauble ... Most submissions from members in favour of QC ... Bar brass remain opposed ... What next? 

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Barrister sunk over pork-pies to District Court 

Long struggle for Christine Nash ... Desperation in stumping-up money for a property scheme led to an unfortunate end to life at the bar ... Balmain property developers have reason to cry 

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Black marks

Repetition of the same error does not amount to "consistent" conduct ... Property finance scam ... Law Society's case goes nowhere on appeal ... However, distressing findings in bank loans contract case ... And forgetting to tell the bar association all the bad things that happened in life ... Reporter Alix Piatek 

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Readers fees are reasonable, says Selth

Letter to Justinian from NSW bar 'n' grill ... In defence of readers fees ... Barrister's homophobic attack deplored ... Response to Dance of the sugar plum fairy 

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Dance of the sugar plum fairy

Anti-gay rant from barrister ... Upsetting bar election results ... The Page Boy to receive a good talking-to ... Bar's monopoly fees for readers ... Jarrod Bleijie is dancing rings around No Waves 

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All the Queen's horses 

The Wyles One touting new numbers favouring QC option for Yarraside bar ... Five percent speak ... Sydney barrister Greg Curtin issues bar election manifesto: solicitors can be bad for the administration of justice

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