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"I think it's madness to change it. If you walked into a McDonald's hamburger restaurant and they started serving you seafood, you'd be very confused if you were a customer."

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Entries in ICAC (23)


Jackson to lead charge against ICAC

David Jackson QC is to lead Margaret Cunneen's High Court case ... Major challenge to ICAC's future effectiveness ... Shroud of uncertainty hangs over pending reports ... ICAC to pick-up Cunneen's High Court costs 

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Sincere thanks for the rude letter

Correspondence from lofty places ... Margaret Cunneen replies to critic who accused her of derailing ICAC's important work ... Is it all the fault of her long-estranged sister? ... Unexpected love and support ... Mystery deepens 

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Corruption busting

Will ICAC retrieve its mojo? ... The High Court will decide on the powers of the most effective corruption fighter in the country ... ICAC's pen has been "put down" ... The issue to be resolved is what conduct "adversely affects" the exercise of official functions ... Words and meanings ... Nina Ubaldi on the case 

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Shake, rattle and roll 

Rose Bay real estate ... Brilliant suggestions for the High Court ... ICAC's special memories ... WCC appointment ... Knock About's liberal sprinkling of Gemmellisms

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Cunneen - latest round

Margaret Cunneen's appeal ... "Is it a public flogging? Is it a show trial?" ... Court of Appeal reserves on whether ICAC can proceed to investigate deputy senior crown prosecutor for allegedly perverting the course of justice ... Nina Ubaldi reports from ringside 

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No breach of the fortress 

Calls for ICAC to be closed down or for its hearings it be held in secret found no support in the NSW Supreme Court ... The anti-corruption body is looking stronger than ever ... Round One in Cunneen v ICAC 

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Cunneen v ICAC - hold tight

Judge says he'll deliver judgment on Monday ... Declarations sought by crown prosecutor Margaret Cunneen that ICAC is acting beyond power ... Corruption commission agrees to delay public hearing into allegations till Tuesday

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Mother love 

ICAC's Operation Hale ... Prosecutor Margaret Cunneen in the frame for allegedly perverting the course of justice ... Perplexing factual issues ... Claim of "malicious complaint" 

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Dodgyland in a nutshell

Where are we now with ICAC's revolving door of shamed politicians? ... Will there be public executions? ... Pressure from Liberals to defenestrate ICAC ... Slimmed down Big Man speaks out ... McCloy's capers 

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Neville Wran's shadow

Round 97 of the Waterhouse stoush ... Scion of horse-racing and gambling dynasty makes allegations of judge fixing ... NSW Supreme Court respectfully disagrees ... University of Sydney settles Kim Walker case ... Alex Mitchell at-large 

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Picnics at Hanging Rock

Lawyers Full Employment Act ... Royal Commissions and ICAC costs research ... Governments' much needed economic boost for struggling legal caper ... Kate Lilly fossicks for the numbers ... Stud Book 

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ICAC probes "sham" documents ... Water, water everywhere ... When shares in Di Girolamo's waterworks company transformed into a loan ... The O'Greeds ... Claims of "false instrument" ... Barrister questioned at ICAC ... Defamatorium   

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The men from Colin Biggers & Paisley

Colin Biggers & Paisley has spent plenty of time getting acquainted with the ICAC ... Law firm by appointment to the Obeids ... Former managing partner Nick Di Girolamo is the hottest potato around town ... Transcript heaven 

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It's a date

Big day announced for Yarraside Queens ... Barrister instructs ICAC on important differences between Greeks and Hellenes ... Shady debt and mortgage entrepreneur caught by party snaps ... Modest wedding preparations for a humble London solicitor 

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ICAC's new commissioner

Changing guard at the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption ... The life story of Justice Megan Latham ... Inspector Dave battens down the hatches ... Plan B for Abbott & Co ... Political crime sleuth Alex Mitchell reports 

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Another date with The Sheik

Eddie (The Sheik) Obeid returns to ICAC on October 28 ... Circular Quay leases under the microscope ... Has Carl (Sparkles) Scully's payback time arrived? ... Macquarie Street gumshoe Alex Mitchell exhumes the details  

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The Hyde of this Page boy

Red Mess in Rome ... HP apologises to president of NSW bar for "rash and immature" statements ... K & W Mallesons - the power of together with journalists ... Solicitor caught on ICAC tap in dastardly plot with mayor 

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Nuts on the quarter-mast 

John McGuigan and John Atkinson, former Baker Boys, in the frame at ICAC ... What was it that got these two top-notch lawyers into strife? ... Found by ICAC to be "corrupt" with Corporations Act and Crimes Act charges recommended ... "The shortest distance to a pot of money" proves to be a littered with potholes 

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Appendix 3

Last minute desperation ... After the ICAC hearing concluded, lawyers for the baddies wheel out a barrow-load of issues ... ICAC investigation should have been run more like a trial ... Ipp squelches Hale and Littlemore ... Gratuitous complaints about counsel assisting dismissed 

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More front than Mark Foys

Slender line-up of MPs put the lie to Obeid's ICAC evidence ... The requirement to notify commission of corrupt conduct has been ignored for years ... Hence Eddie and others have thumbed their snouts at the corruption fighting body ... Alex Mitchell reports 

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