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Silk queue

Applicants for Senior Counsel in New South Wales ... 102 put their hands up in a bleak market ... Repeat contenders aplenty ... The list in full 

Waiting for silk

THIS year sees a beefy contingent of 102 NSW barristers who have filled in the forms and sent in their SC applications on time.

Sixteen women have applied or 15.7 percent, up on the previous year's 13 percent.

Last year there were 113 applicants with 24 making the cut, an overall success rate of 21 percent.

In 2012 there were 117 contenders (28 percent female). Overall, 26 (22 percent) were selected as senior counsel in 2012. 

There's also information about the applicants in 2011

Here is the fresh crop of hopefuls for 2014. The asterisk* means the candidate had previously applied for silk within the last three years. In fact, of the current list nearly two-thirds, or 64 percent, are repeating the experience. 

Bon courage ...

Adams  Neil John*
Crown Prosecutor 

Alder  Keith Harold

Anderson  Mark William*
Frederick Jordan

Andronos  Kevin Leo 
11 Wentworth  

Austin  Mark Donald*
Public Defender 

Bambagiotti  Philip John* 
10 St James Hall

Baran  David Emmanuel*
Jack Shand

Barrett  Patrick Edward* 
Crown Prosecutor 

Bashir  Gabrielle Antionette

Bevan  Christopher John*
8 Wentworth 

Bourke  Ian David*
Frederick Jordan  

Brady  Grant Allan* 

Brogan  David Joseph*
11 St James Hall 

Campton  Peter Anthony*

Carr  Lee John 
Crown Prosecutor

Casselden  Adam

Cheshire  Anthony Peter
8 Wentworth 

Cinque  Maria Maddalena*
Crown Prosecutor 

Cook  Doran Lane*

Corish  Thomas Scott*

Culkoff  Vera*
2 Selborne 

Daley  Mark Allan John
Frederick Jordan 

Darke  Matthew John 
19 Selborne/Wentworth

Dennis  Mark Philip

Dimitriadis  Christian
Nigel Bowen 

Docking  Brendan Gregory*
HB Higgins

Faulkner  Timothy Michael
12 Wentworth/Selborne

George  Gregory Peter*
3 Wentworth 

Gibian  Mark
HB Higgins 

Giles  Jeremy Christopher*
7 Selborne

Glasson  Robert Dudley 

Glissan  Paul Raymond* 
4 Selborne

Goodman  Scott Anthony
7 Selborne 

Gracie  James Anthony* 
Sir James Martin 

Gracie  Malcolm Reeves* 

Green  Michael* 
13 St James Hall

Griffin  Patrick James
7 Garfield Barwick

Hall  Michael Rowland
Nigel Bowen 

Harvey  Ian Lesley* 
3 Wentworth 

Healey  Anne Patricia*  
Frederick Jordan  

Heath  Michael Joseph*  
5 Wentworth 

Heath  Valerie May*  
Maurice Byers

Heathcote  Gregory Robert* 
8 Garfield Barwick

Herbert  Siobhan
Crown Prosecutor

Hoeben  Geraldine Maple Myra*

Hogan-Doran  Dominique* 
6 St James Hall

Hughes  Thomas Desmond Forrest
Ada Evans

Hull  Brendan* 
12 Wentworth/Selborne

Johnston  Gregory Michael* 
Family Law Chambers

Jordan  David Keith
13 St James Hall 

Judge  Lynette Elizabeth* 
Lachlan Macquarie

King  Peter Edward*  
Queen's Square  

Kluss  Susan May
Maurice Byers

Lange  Peter David* 
Maurice Byers

Lawson  Mark*  
Edmund Barton 

Loofs  Jean-Jacques Thomas* 
8 Garfield Barwick 

McAuley  Michael John* 
2 Selborne  

McGrath  Gordon Mackintosh*
13 St James Hall 

McGrath  Peter John*  
Crown Prosecutor

McGuire  Paul Rennie*
7 Garfield Barwick

McKay  Kenneth Leslie 
Crown Prosecutor  

McKenzie  Timothy Francis* 
2 Wentworth

McLennan  Jeffrey Mark 
Crown Prosecutor

Montgomery  Robert Edward* 
9 Selborne 

Morris  Jeremy Mearns* 
13 St James Hall 

O'Brien  Anthony John* 
7 Garfield Barwick

O'Donnell  Christopher Peter*  
Frederick Jordan  

Ower  Terence Michael*  
4 Wentworth

Patch  David Hugh* 
Crown Prosecutor - Parramatta

Perrignon  Richard John*
4 St James Hall 

Perry  Michael James 

Polin  Nicholas Joseph 
4 Wentworth 

Priestley  Jonathon James
9 Wentworth  

Prince  Shane Eric John 

Rana  Rashda Parveen* 
Ground Wentworth  

Rigg  Belinda 
Public Defender

Robertson  David Alexander Cochrane*  
Nigel Bowen

Royle  Richard William Carter* 
Sir Owen Dixon

Sansom  Paul Neil William* 

Scotting  Andrew Craig*
13 St James Hall  

Shields  Brett John Anderson* 
12 Selborne  

Skinner  Peter Mark* 
Samuel Griffith

Smith  Craig John Gordon* 
Public Defender

Smith  Justin Dupont 
7 Selborne  

Sneddon  Mark William*
PG Hely

Stewart  Angus Morkel 
12 Wentworth/Selborne

Stuckey-Clarke  Jennifer Ellen
15 Wardell 

Sweet  Russell Mark* 
Frederick Jordan

Toomey  Dominic Robert 
11 Garfield Barwick 

Traill  Catherine Margaret*
3 St James Hall 

Vindin  Christian Andrew 
2 Wentworth 

Walker  Mary*
9 Wentworth

Walsh  Mark Justin
7 Wentworth

Ward  Christopher Scott*
12 Wentworth/Selborne 

Warren  Darryl Leslie
6-7 St James Hall

Waters  John Alexander*
6 Windeyer

Waugh  Gregory Richard* 
12 Wentworth/Selborne 

Wendler  Gabriel Dominicus* 
7 Windeyer 

Wilkinson  Stephen William* 
11 Garfield Barwick

Williams  Nanette*
Crown Prosecutor 

Wilson  David Michael 
Elizabeth Strreet 

Zammit  Michael Samuel 

List of 2014 SC applicants with practice areas and seniority  

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