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On the defensive ... Exclusive … The zone of hurt feelings … A delicate flower on the Coalition’s macho frontbench … Linda’s Last Chance at the Wild West Saloon … Salving the pain by rehashing ancient history … Uncovering the cover-up ... Read on ... 

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It's too late for the thylacine ... Procrustes closely analyses recent Justinian reports ... The Ippster and Stella Liebeck ... Tort law reform that went beyond the Pale ... In Tassie, no one is allowed to speak for the forests ... Standing up against State rule of the trees ... Where's Syd Shea when you need him? ... Read more ... 

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"I think it's madness to change it. If you walked into a McDonald's hamburger restaurant and they started serving you seafood, you'd be very confused if you were a customer."

Newington College old boy Peter Thomas arguing against the school admitting female students ... Reported in Guardian Australia, June 21, 2024 ... Read more flatulence ... 

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The election season ... The case for compulsory voting ... Pity the Brits, French and Americans where politicians have to "get out the vote" ... Nathan Twibill on the advantages of the "median voter" strategy ... Vote early, vote often ... Read more ... 

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The life, loves, triumphs and disappointments of Tom Hughes KC ... Choice cuts from Ian Hancock's biography of Tom Hughes, A Cab on the Rank ... A painful move from 11 Selborne ... Skyrocketing fees ... Great cases ... Lionel Murphy - "not an easy client" ... Diary observations of judges, barristers and bar etiquette ... From Justinian's Archive, August 11, 2016 ... Read more ... 



Justinian's archive

Entries in Defamation (14)


Hocking the budget

Essential programs slashed and burnt in Hockey budget - including Bret Walker's job ... Here comes Mega-Trib ... Fancy bookshelves ruled out-of-order for Chinese judges ... How to get a remedy against an indigent blogger  

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ICAC probes "sham" documents ... Water, water everywhere ... When shares in Di Girolamo's waterworks company transformed into a loan ... The O'Greeds ... Claims of "false instrument" ... Barrister questioned at ICAC ... Defamatorium   

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Kerry - Not Stoked

No proceeds of crime for Corby ... Solicitor for Channel 7 gets nice little grovel from AFP commissioner ... No injunction or suppression orders for Kerry Stokes or his lawyer in defamation proceedings ... Blogger blowout 

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Indemnity costs for egregiousness 

Defamatorium ... Clive Palmer's lessons in how not to wage a defamation action ... Acting for himself, then switching back to lawyers ... Failure to comply with case management rules ... Delays ... Last minute attempt to reactivate his case ... Submission for judge to recuse herself ... The kitchen sink ... Indemnity costs 

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Recusal perusal

Defamatorium ... Bias ... An abundance of applications for female defamation judges to recuse themselves ... Relatively few male judges face the same issue ... Why is this so? 

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Operatic costume change 

Defamatorium ... Kim Williams lawyers-up against the newspaper his lawyers used to defend ... Opera House hissy fit denied ... Working both sides of Libel Street ... It's not over till the fat lady sings 

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Race for the money 

Lawyers fees slashed ... Bills unpaid ... Client and former solicitors in dispute over money ... Solicitors who were sacked from defamation case having trouble getting their hands of their costs ... Client wants the money paid to him ... Trouble in libel land ... Defamatorium 

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Hurt feelings

Latest thrills and spills around the Defamation Court ... Reputations under fire ... Tony Renshaw v Lawyers Weekly ... Chief Madge v Daily Tele ... Ashurst Partner v Fairfax ... Littlemore, gentle but firm ... Defamatorium 

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The art of the menacing letter

Lawyers' threatening letters ... Heavy handed attempts to get the media or campaigning activists to back-off ... Spectre of defamation proceedings and aggravated damages ... Huffing and puffing that goes nowhere 

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Is there something amusing, Mr Foreman?

Updated on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 by Registered CommenterJustinian

Defamatorium ... Outburst from barrister … Solicitor suing Financial Review loses injurious falsehood case, wins in defamation ... Juror looked chastened after being directly addressed by counsel during summing-up … How to handle an outburst from the bar table  

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Rupe's in town and Sky does some sacking

Forget Egypt ... The biggest news in Britain is the performance of a couple of buffoon sports commentators on Rupe's Sky network ... The Red Tops in a frenzy over sexist wisecracks ... More defo and privacy actions loom ... Leverhulme sorts out Tony Blair ... Chilcot's sure to nail the former PM

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Clutz case done in Styles

Mediation to commence in the sexual harassment case brought by solicitor Bridgette Styles against the big law shop Clayton Utz

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Stalled at the cab rank

A defamation action by three former employees of Keddies against the law firm has hit a snag ... McClintock withdraws after Keddies' partners object ... Trial delayed ... No senior barristers available ... Law firm overcharging to be probed in libel trial

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Clayton Utz in workplace defo drama

Former Clayton Utz solicitor sues the firm for defamation … Email sent at the direction of former Law Soc prez Joe Catanzariti … Partners argue that proposed amended statement of claim “seriously prejudices them” ... Justice Simpson says firm’s submission is “inapt”

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