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"Creative Australia is an advocate for freedom of artistic expression and is not an adjudicator on the interpretation of art. However, the Board believes a prolonged and divisive debate about the 2026 selection outcome poses an unacceptable risk to public support for Australia's artistic community and could undermine our goal of bringing Australians together through art and creativity."

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Bar, bah

Exclusive ... NSW bar's 2013 list of applicants for silk ... Plenty of familiar names reappear ... Waving, not drowning ... Sifting now underway 

HERE we go, again. There are 113 names on the 2013 list of applicants for silkship in NSW, a slight drop from 117 the year before. 

Fifteen on the new list are female, a hefty decline from 28 percent of the applicants in 2012 to 13 percent this year. 

The four relevant columns next to each name are headed: Highly Suitable; Suitable; Not Yet Suitable; Not Suitable. 

Applicants need lots of ticks in the first two of those columns. 

Usually around 25 each year make it through the loops. 

The committee of gatekeepers comprises a heap of SCs: Phillip Boulten, Jane Needham, Jeremy Gormly, Andrew Bell, Richard McHugh, Anthony Payne, plus former judge Jane Matthews and lay person Dennis Robertson. 

Here are the contenders ...

Adams  Neil John,  Crown Prosecutor - Sydney 

Allars  Margaret Nita,  11 Wentworth  

Anderson  Mark William,  Public Defender

Austin  Mark Donald,  Public Defender

Baly  Julia Anne,  Crown Prosecutor - Lismore 

Bambagiotti  Philip John,  10 St James Hall

Baran  David Emmanuel,  Jack Shand

Barrett  Patrick Edward,  Crown Prosecutor - Sydney

Bateman  Margaret Therese,  Marbury

Bates  Philip William,  Sir Owen Dixon

Beaumont  Nicholas Joseph,  12 Selborne/Wentworth

Bell  Richard Scott,  16 Wardell

Bevan  Christopher John,  8 Wentworth

Bleasel  Marcus James, 196 Glenmore Road, Paddington

Bourke  Ian David,  Frederick Jordan 

Brady  Grant Allan,  Forbes

Brogan  David Joseph,  11 St James Hall 

Bruckner  Peter Kurt,  Ground Wentworth

Burchett  Simon John,  2 Selborne

Campton  Peter Anthony,  Waratah

Cinque  Maria Maddalena,  Crown Prosecutor - Sydney 

Clarke  Jeremy Richard,  12 Selborne/Wentworth

Cohen  Mark James,  9 Wentworth 

Coleman  Ian Roy,  Waratah 

Connell  Bruce Anthony Moore,  Blackstone

Cook  Doran Lane,  Blackstone  

Cummings  Peter Ralph,  Newcastle

De Meyrick  Rohan John,  4 Selborne 

Docking  Brendan Gregory,  H.B. Higgins

Dowling  Sally Christina,  Crown Prosecutor - Sydney 

Evans  Michael Brookes,  8 Windeyer 

Freeman  Christopher Dominic,  Culwulla

George  Gregory Peter,  3 Wentworth 

Giles  Jeremy Christopher,  7  Selborne

Glennon  Bernard,  PO Box 3057, Umina Beach

Glissan  Pail Raymond,  4 Selbourne

Goldstein  Steven,  Edmund Barton

Gracie  James Anthony,  Sir James Martin

Gracie  Malcolm Reeves,  Blackstone 

Green  Michael,  13 St James Hall 

Hancock  Timothy James,  10 St James Hall

Healey  Anne Patricia,  Frederick Jordan 

Heath  Michael Joseph,  5 Wentworth

Heathcote  Gregory Robert,  8 Garfield Barwick 

Hemmings  Ian James,  Martin Place

Henry  Michael Shaun,  7 Selborne

Herps  Richard Allan,  Crown Prosecutor - Sydney 

Hmelnitsky  James Oleg,  6 Selborne/Wentworth

Hodgson  Thomas Lindsay Poole,  Edmund Barton 

Howard  Thomas Gregory,  Frederick Jordan 

Hull  Brendan,  12 Selborne/Wentworth

Johnston  Gregory Michael,  Family Law

Jones  Gregory John,  11 Garfield Barwick 

Judge  Lynette Elizabeth,  Lachlan Macquarie

Kerr  Victor Fraser, 11 St James Hall 

Kumar  Ashok,  Chalfont 

Lange  Peter David,  Maurice Byers 

Lawson  Mark Roy,  Edmund Barton 

Leask  Paul Anthony,  Crown Prosecutor - Sydney 

Loofs  Jean-Jacques Thomas,  8 Garfield Barwick 

Lynch  Terrence Michael,  Blackstone 

Mallon  David,  10 St James Hall  

McAuley  Michael John,  Henry Parkes

McGrath  Anthony Stephen,  12 Selborne/Wentworth

McGrath  Peter John,  Crown Prosecutor - Sydney

McGuire  Paul Rennie,  7 Garfield Barwick  

Mehigan  Terrence Matthew,  12 Selborne/Wentworth 

Montgomery  Robert Edward,  9 Selborne

Morahan  Terence John,  Jack Shand

Nicholls  Nicholas Andrew,  13 St James Hall 

O'Brien  Anthony John,  7 Garfield Barwick 

O'Donnell  Christopher Peter,  Frederick Jordan

Ower  Terence Michael,  4 Wentworth

Painter  Michelle Ailsa Clare,  6 St James Hall 

Paish  Mitchell,  Samuel Griffith 

Patch  David Hugh,  Crown Prosecutor - Parramatta 

Perrignon  Richard John,  4 St James Hall

Pesman  Marcus Robert,  Queens Square 

Price  David John,  State 

Prince  Shane Eric John,  State 

Rana  Rashda Parveen,  Ground Wentworth 

Reid  Denise Gail,  8 Garfield Barwick 

Rich  Garry Kenneth James,  5 St James Hall 

Robertson  David Alexander Cochrane,  Nigel Bowen

Romaniuk  Eugene Guy,  Jack Shand 

Sansom  Paul Neil William,  Waratah 

Scotting  Andrew Craig,  13 St James Hall 

Searle  Adam David,  State 

Seiden  Rashelle Leah,  Ground Wentworth 

Shields  Brett John Anderson,  12 Selborne/Wentworth 

Sibtain  Dauid Reza,  Nigel Bowen

Silver  Peter Craig,  Banco 

Skinner  Peter Mark,  Samuel Griffith 

Smith  Craig John Gordon,  Public Defender

Sneddon  Mark William,  13 St James Hall 

Stanton  Stephen Joseph,  7 Windeyer 

Steele  Mark Jeffrey,  7 Selborne 

Sweet  Russell Mark,  Frederick Jordan 

Tabuteau  Giles James,  Crown Prosecutor - Sydney 

Thorpe  Terrence William,  Crown Prosecutor - Sydney

Traill  Catherine Margaret, 3 St James Hall

Walker  Mary Catherine,  9 Wentworth 

Ward  Christopher Scott,  12 Selborne/Wentworth

Wass  Penelope Margot,  6 Selborne/Wentworth

Waters  John Alexander,  6 Windeyer

Waugh  Gregory Richard,  12 St James Hall 

Wendler  Gabriel Dominicus,  7 Windeyer 

White  Matthew Saxon,  6 Selborne/Wentworth 

Wilkinson  Stephen William,  11 Garfield Barwick 

Williams  Nanette Lee,  Crown Prosecutor - Sydney 

Wilson  Helen McLeod,  Crown Prosecutor - Newcastle

Wilson  Raoul David,  8 Wentworth

Woods  Steven Arthur,  13 Wentworth 

See 2012 applicants 

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