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Leon Zwier

Melbourne lawyer Leon Zwier On The Couch ... Honouring the legacy of a former partner ... The hour of need - assisting Brittany Higgins and Eryn Jean Norvill ... The misuse of documents obtained coercively in litigation ... Grudges ... Racism ... Plaited loaves 

Leon Zwier: the man beside Brittany Higgins

Leon Zwier has been a partner of Arnold Bloch Leibler since 1991. He is head of the firm's dispute resolution operations as well as its restructuring and insolvency practice. 

When he's not involved in corporate disputes and regulatory proceedings he has been noticeably assisting Brittany Higgins during the rape trial of Bruce Lehrmann, and its aftermath. 

He also acted for actress Eryn Jean Norvill who was a key witness in Geoffrey Rush's defamation case against The Daily Telegraph

Zwier is an Appeals Conduct Commissioner of Cricket Australia's code of behaviour and is the Chairman of the Bradman Foundation. 

And here he is batting away Justinian's searing questions ...

Describe yourself in three words

Mr Fix It.

What are you currently reading? 

"A Promised Land" by Barack Obama

What is your favourite film? 

The Godfather. 

When are you happiest?

In the mountains after a fresh snowfall, no visible tracks, the trees covered with snow, the sky a deep blue, no wind and with family and friends (and without connectivity). 

Who has been the most influential person in your life, professional and otherwise?

My late father, David. 

What motivated you to provide legal support to Brittany Higgins? 

Former partner, Leonie Thompson, who championed the contribution and role of women at ABL and who asked her partners to honour her legacy in this way. 

You also provided support for Eryn Jean Norvill who gave evidence in the Geoffrey Rush defamation case. What prompted your involvement on her behalf?

Leonie Thompson (again).

Zwier with Eryn Jean Norvill during the Rush case 

And you acted for Rolah McCabe in her fight against British American Tobacco. Is there a pattern here - the protection of women in vulnerable circumstances?

Not in relation to this one. McCabe was all about Big Tobacco and the loss of my grandfather (when I was very young) to smoking related illnesses. I bear good grudge.

What is your view of the use by the media of material provided to the defence in Lehrmann's rape trial? 

Documents obtained coercively in litigation should not be disseminated and, if they are, there ought to be restraint by the media. 

What remedy does Brittany Higgins have for a breach of the Harman rule and for her privacy? 

In time that will become clearer.

Why did you want to be a lawyer?

Because my father wanted to be one and could not. He chose to help support his family by working in a factory rather than pursue his dreams, so that his children could pursue theirs.

What other occupations would you have liked to pursue?

Australian Test Cricketer. CEO of Cricket Australia. Carlton Player. Carlton Coach. Carlton Assistant Coach. Diplomat. Journalist. (All beyond my capabilities, so I ended up a lawyer.) 

What is your greatest weakness? 

I bear long-term grudges. Next question.

What would you change about Australia?


If you were an item of food, what would it be?

Challah - the traditional Jewish plaited loaf.

What comes to mind when you shut your eyes and think of the word "law"? 

Luck, fun and hard work.


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