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Whirlpool's reverse cycle

Clerkship candidates share law firm stories and advice online ... Networking and marks the key to getting a foot in the door ... Beware the perils of the cocktail party ... Paul Karp surveys the social media strategy helping students get past the spin 

Be careful of the spin

Before FirmSpy was shut down lawyers were able to anonymously report their pay increases to the website to make sure they weren't being diddled.

Now law students are turning to the internet to share their experiences (and results) of the dreaded clerkship application process on a Whirlpool forum, via an anonymous survey. 

In the process clerkship applicants are hoping to see past the gloss and spin generated by the big firms. 

Although any system relying on self-reporting should be taken with a grain of salt (particularly with a sample size of 85) the survey results shed some light on the hoops aspiring clerks jump through to get their foot in the front door of law firms. 

Marks tend to be the metric which students worry about most during the application process.

Law schools buzz with speculation about whether the coveted distinction average is really make-or-break and whether firms know that it is "easier" to score highly at some universities.

The average mark of those that completed the survey was 74.96 - just at the credit/distinction cusp by most universities' scales.

Those who reported four or more offers had an average of 77.7, but many respondents got a few offers with lower than the 75 average.

One candidate claimed:

"After first round interviews, marks go out the window ... I think it is much better to talk about life experiences." 

Networking - and not just grades - was the key to success.

One applicant from ANU with a law average of 68 (a high credit) and no paralegal experience who received four offers put her success down to distributing business cards at career events the year before applying.

Another ANU student with an average of 71 who received offers from Ashurst and Minter Ellison said:

"Being in a key position within the Law Students' Society gave me exposure to recruitment managers, in turn allowing me to impose a positive impression months before the recruitment process even started." 

Clearly, some aspiring lawyers already know the game: it's as much who you know as what.

One unsuccessful candidate - with a law average of 74, three first round interviews but no offers - put things a bit more bluntly:

"Nepotism goes a very long way!"

Some came to share disappointment at not receiving offers; but it was heartening to see a sense of perspective on the results - that a clerkship is not the only way to enter the law business.

Cocktail parties: traps for young players

The clerks attended about three cocktail functions each, and those who rejected invitations were in the minority.

Most knew it was vital to take every opportunity to make a good impression. Perhaps they were just thirsty.

However, going to functions could cut both ways. One candidate advised:

"Be on your best behaviour at cocktail nights. I know someone who was going to get an offer but did something at the final cocktail night that made partners change their mind."

The most common piece of advice candidates gave to law students following in their footsteps was to tailor one's message to the firm.

Comments included: "despite what they tell you each firm is after something different ... research firms extensively, HEAVILY tailor your cover letters."  

Another said: "going into an interview knowing the firm's clients was looked upon really favourably. It showed that I bothered to put in the time researching the firm and didn't copy and paste applications." 

The average number of applications submitted was 12 - that's a lot of cover letters to tailor and firm websites to trawl for juicy tid-bits about the latest deals from mergers and acquisitions.

Advice differed on the number of firms to which applicants should apply.

Some favoured a strategy of applying to fewer firms and investing extra time in detailed research and cover letters.

Others suggested than in a tight market students should be applying everywhere - including interstate - because if commercial law was the ultimate goal any offer was better than none.

It was also evident that students were highly sceptical of firms. One commented: 

"Ignore the promotional talk by HR - all the law firms sound the same on paper. Nothing is better than candid, honest testimonials from a past clerk." 

Several said that the Whirlpool forum was a good way to source accurate information, free from the firm spin.

It reminded me of an interview I attended two years ago in which a partner responded to my question about workplace culture with the advice, "don't believe everything you read on FirmSpy".

Sure enough when I checked the site, reviews of that firm's culture were not favourable.

While many students were prepared to anonymously share general information, like the number of interviews, their university and marks, very few opted to list which firms specifically had given them offers. 

After a gruelling recruitment process the students don't want to slip up - perhaps the HR departments are scrutinising the forum as carefully as the cover letters.

Still, some information is better than none. I get the impression, seeing the collegiality of the students, that if they stick together they may be alright.

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