Justinian featurettes
There's another world beyond law and lawyering ... and here you can find it: reviews, wine notes, interviews, and unpacking the human condition.
Critics' Corner: reviews of books, films and TV by Worm, I. Box and Miss Lumière.
Déjà Vu: marvellous slices of history from Justinian's bulging archive.
I Once Met ... Prominent and unusual people encourtered by our readers and contributors.
JustyFlix: our film crew covers the most glittering events on the calendar.
On the Couch: where notable notables bear their souls.
Wendler on Wine: spectacular wine reviews, gargling and spitting from barrister Gabriel Wendler.
All our featurettes have escaped from inside the paywall.
The language of wine
G.D. Wendler, barrister and wine correspondent, gets his nose into a book that seeks to distill the language of wine ... Vocabulary and its detachment from objectivity ... The Philosophy of Wine
A.J. Brown
What happens to a person who spends seven years immersed in the life of Michael Kirby? ... Professor A.J. Brown is the author of Michael Kirby: Paradoxes & Principles ... He's on Justinian's couch trying to explain himself
McCabe litigation took 10 years in two states
Richard Ackland recalls the torturous trail of the McCabe litigation ... Clayton Utz in the frame ... Settlement soon after retrial and discovery ordered by VicSupremo Stephen Kaye
What about my little mate?
Andrew Clark reviews Pamela Burton's biography of Mary Gaudron, From Moree to Mabo ... As NSW Solicitor General, Gaudron's advice to the government about the Lionel Murphy affair was crucial ... The Age tapes ... A time when friendships and loyalty ran headlong into the law
Elizabeth O'Shea
Lizzie O'Shea is the face of Maurice Blackburn's social justice practice ... It's been a big month, what with her High Court victory in the Aid/Watch case ... And her work in gathering a mass of signatories for an open letter to the PM in support of Julian Assange ... The lawyer who collects electronic gadgets in the shape of animals is on Justinian's couch
The man from Broke
Our wine correspondent Gabriel Wendler in conversation with Justice Peter McClellan, NSW's chief judge at common law and enthusiastic Hunter grape grower ... The diversion of the vineyard