Winners and grinners

Smiling policy for lawyers ... Better coordination required ... When smiling runs amok ... Happy lawyers and glum clients ... Delighted clients and anxious lawyers ... Moments of intense seriousness ... Delirious money shots ... From Justinian's Photographic Editor
In 2019 Matt Collins KC revealed he has an unofficial policy about smiling. He told the Financial Review, over lunch:
"My view is the law is a serious business and coming out of court is a serious business. Barristers shouldn't be smiling when they're captured on camera."
It was a policy he breached in its observance when his client Rebel Wilson cracked a joke which tickled his fancy.
For some high profile briefs, grinning happily is the preferred mode, even if the client appears distracted or concerned.
Not everyone is happy
Increasingly in high profile trials, we find beaming clients accompanied by anxious-looking lawyers.
Should clients look happy if their lawyers' don't?
Naturally, there is an irrestible temptation for lawyers with celebrated reputations to lighten up and smile whenever a camera hoves into view.
Moses on the steps of the court
Then, of course, there are those memorable money shots of unbridled joy.
In the bag
Ideally, it is safer if client and counsel both maintain permanent grim expressions.
The Glums
The possibilities are various, which suggests that professional organisations need to hammer out a consistent policy about whether it is appropriate to grin enthusiastically outside court.
To maintain the pretence of success while proceedings are underway, only to go down in a screaming heap, needs to be avoided.

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