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Sore bottoms on the bench ... Birchings for judgments that went askew ... Appeal reasons from higher up the food chain ... FCA judge finds that a commercial loss is really a bargain ... Trauma at the Tribunal ... Theodora reports ... Read more >> 

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Pressing matters ... The media edition … Press gangs of Sydney … Turmoil in the newsrooms … Commercial newspapers and TV on their last legs … Moloch's people infiltrating everywhere … Medals for prize journalists … Streaming services – the new snails on the block ... Read on ... 

Lehrmann v Network Ten ... Judgment for sale ... Justice Lee's reasons in paperback ... More >>

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Online incitements ... Riots in English cities fed by online misinformation about refugees ... Policing and prosecution policies ... Fast and furious processing of offenders ... Online Safety Act grapples with new challenges ... Increased policing of speech on tech platforms ... Hugh Vuillier reports from London ... Read more >> 

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Postcard from London ... Watching Starmer mince the sausages ... How to move a file from the inactive list ... Court's failed email notification system ...Sleep monitors want to measure the extent of lawyers' restfulness ... Floyd Alexander-Hunt reporting from London ... Read more >> 

"As I found in my time in parliament, uniquely among the parties, it is only Liberals who defend the rights of their enemies.

George (Bookshelves) Brandis, writing in The Sydney Morning Herald, October 7, 2024 ... Read more flatulence ... 

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Tootsies with Planet Janet ... Water Softener and the Planet ... Further details of the width and depth of their relationship ... Chief Justice of the ACT grants Justinian's application for access to more documents ... A barrage of text messages and phone calls throughout the Drumgold investigation ... Collated reporting ... More on Sofronoff and Albrechtsen ... Read more ... 

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Regrets ... The then Media Watch host and one of the country's most magnificent silks birched in the High Court for not sticking to the rules ... Scratchy Stu ... From Justinian's Archive, May 1997 ... Read more ... 



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Rachel Francois

Rachel Francois is a Sydney barrister, whose most recent notable appearance was in the Federal Court for Kristy Fraser-Kirk in her $37 million sexual harassment suit against David Jones and Mark McInnes ... With the settlement complete and the case withdrawn Ms Francois found time for a session on Justinian's couch
Rachel Francois' father is an ichthyologist and a former head of NSW Fisheries, who these days makes wine in the Hunter Valley. Her mother is a mathematician.
Rachel was selective in her schooling and attended North Sydney Girls High School and James Ruse Agricultural High School and later the University of New South Wales.
Early steps in her career took her to volunteer work at the NSW Disability Discrimination Legal Centre, the HIV/AIDS Legal Centre and Kingsford Legal Centre. 

After university she fetched-up in London ... and Freshfields.

She returned soon enough, to find herself working on a review for the government of NSW's home care service.

Then to Legal Aid for four years.

The dark side is usually irresistible, so it was almost inevitable that she would put in a couple of years at Clayton Utz before the bar called in February 2003.

Describe yourself in three words.
Determined, loyal, loud.

What are you currently reading
"American Caesars", by Nigel Hamilton.

What's your favourite film
Anything with Robert Downey Jr or Meryl Streep.

Who has been the most influential person in your life
My maternal grandfather. Among other things he taught me how to behave in polite society, so I always have the choice. 

What occupation would you like to have, if you hadn't become a lawyer
When I think of it, I'll do it.

What is your favourite piece of music
The Jupiter suite from the Planets by Holst.

What is your most recognised talent
Hmmn - probably causing trouble.

What is your greatest fear
That DJs will spike my Christmas hamper.

What words or phrases do you overuse?
The ones that ought not be printed. 

What is your greatest regret
Not getting to my dojo regularly to practice Aikido.

Whom do you envy and why
I don’t envy other people but I would love to have the extraordinary talent of Chida Sensei (an 8th Dan Aikido master) – he’s like a Jedi Knight.

What is your most disturbing personal obsession?  
Depending on your perspective: either my desire for social justice or my abiding interest in military history.

What’s your most glamorous feature?
Like Katisha, my left shoulder blade.

If you were a foodstuff, what would you be
Lindt 70% dark chocolate.

What human traits do you most distrust
The desire to fit in.

What would you change about Australia
I would start with that part of the culture which revels in misogyny and enjoys a sense of sexual entitlement and not stop until we have community where we treat everyone as we ourselves wish to be treated.

Whom or what do you consider overrated
French wine (with the exception of Champagne).

On what occasions do you use a breath-freshener
Rarely.  I’m very good at brushing my teeth.

What would your epitaph say
I want to be cremated and scattered at Whale Beach - so not much (unless my mum is still alive). 

What comes into your mind when you shut your eyes and think of the word "law"
The enormous privilege of working with some of the most principled and compassionate members of the community.

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