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Grant Donaldson SC

High profile Sand Groper from the WA bar n' grill is On the Couch ... Films, music, books ... Cases and crimes ... Preventative detention in migration cases ... Closed courts ... Eyes shut yet still awake 

Donaldson: inedible

Grant Donaldson SC has just completed a three year stretch as the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor, issuing reports on reforms to the National Security Information Act and Criminal Code's detention and supervision orders.  

He's a Perth barrister who has done time as president of the WA Bar and as Solicitor-General for WA. He's currently a director of the Fremantle Football Club. 

He says his next step will be a matter of "poddling along" ... 

Describe yourself in three words.

Nearly nice enough.

What are you currently reading? 

Today I will read – Amy Hempel "Sing to It".

What is your favourite film ... and your favourite piece of music?

Film - can't choose between "Tropic Thunder" and "Lincoln".

Music – can't choose between  Bach "Chaccone" and Cold Chisel "Flame Trees".

What was your expected career path before you studied law?

Mediocre hopeful philosopher.

Why did you want to be a barrister? 

I had already tried everything else in law.

Who has been the most influential person in your life? 

Cathy Donaldson.

What was your most memorable and/or enjoyable case? 

I tend not to enjoy cases much. The case that is most memorable to me and of which I'm most proud was (early in my career) helping a really wonderful down to earth couple, who had fallen on hard times, and got into strife with pretty much everything in their lives. They got back on their feet and I helped. It is a great privilege to be have a chance to have helped.

What was your most miserable/difficult case? 

I have always found crime the hardest and I do not do much.  I have always felt miserable when my bod goes inside; even when they deserved it. For everyone of them I was sure that they would not have been there if they had been given the advantages that I had. That is misery.

Is the Rule of Law adversely challenged by the new preventative detention arrangements applying to former immigration detainees? 

The new preventative detention arrangements applying to former immigration detainees embody the Rule of Fear and spit at the Rule of Law.

What was the most important thing your learned from your term as the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor?  

That most public servants see their role as solely to conceal and to avoid embarrassment to them and/or their department and/or their Minister.

Closed courts by government edict and evidence withheld from parties and lawyers are desperate measures. Do you think there is any justification for them? 

My imagination is not vivid enough to be able to say yes.

What has been your greatest controversy? 

I did not receive resounding applause for recommending the abolition of continuing detention orders. I am not expecting it, if a government ever gets around to responding to that recommendation. 

Who is your greatest friend in the law? 

Cathy Donaldson.

What words or phrases do you overuse?

"I don't understand that at all ... quite so your Honour." I rarely use them (audibly) in the same sentence.

What is your greatest weakness?

Exuberant frankness.

If you were a foodstuff, what would you be? 

Just inedible.

What human quality do you most distrust?


What would you change about Australia?

Parliamentarians who are brave in opposition; strive only to conceal the truth in government; and then tell the "behind the scenes" truth when they leave parliament – weak as piss.

Who or what do you consider overrated?

Men and fancy food.

What next for Grant Donaldson? 

Poddling along.

What comes into your mind when you shut your eyes and think of the word "law"? 

The thing that keeps me from sleep when I shut my eyes. 


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