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"As I found in my time in parliament, uniquely among the parties, it is only Liberals who defend the rights of their enemies.

George (Bookshelves) Brandis, writing in The Sydney Morning Herald, October 7, 2024 ... Read more flatulence ... 

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Geoffrey Watson

Panadol ... Wikipedia ... Laziness ... Atticus Finch ... Hot chips ... Frequent flyer points ... Ian Chappell ... Bach's Goldberg Variations - The secret ingredients in the life of Geoffrey Watson 

Geoffrey Watson: afraid that he has let Atticus Finch down (pic: AFR)

GEOFFREY WATSON SC has been the senior counsel assisting ICAC in its investigation of NSW's most corrupt period of politics since the Rum Corps ran the colony.

The inquiries in which he most recently has been involved are known as operations Jasper, Jarilo and Indus.

Two former NSW government ministers have been found to have engaged in corruption along with six leading business identities.

Watson has a Master of Arts (in economic history) and a Bachelor of Laws.  

He was admitted to the NSW bar in 1984 and took silk in 2002.

He plies his trade from Seven Wentworth, with an emphasis on product liability, insurance and professional negligence. 

Recently he was counsel assisting in the Police Integrity Commission inquiry into the shooting of Adam Salter. 

You'd think he be exhausted after ICAC's marathon run, but not a bit of it. 

We peppered him with questions while he was recumbent on Justinian's couch. 

Describe yourself in three words.

Short. Fat. Balding. Thank God you only asked for three.

What are you currently reading? 

I am re-reading "The Exorcist" by William Peter Blatty.  A surprisingly well written book, just as spooky as the movie.

What's your favourite film?

"Apocalypse Now."

Who has been the most influential person in your life? 

I know this will sound strange - Ian Chappell. I always admired his calm aggression, his toughness, and his refusal to bow to authority or reputation if he thought he was right. There is something innately Australian about Ian Chappell.

What is your favourite piece of music?

J.S. Bach's "Goldberg Variations" or Richard Strauss' "Four Last Songs".

What is in your refrigerator? 

I checked so that I could answer your question correctly, and disturbingly discovered a large number of foodstuffs already well beyond their "use-by date". 

What is your favourite website?

As a shallow know-it-all, I just love Wikipedia.

What do you recommend as a hangover cure?

Two Beroccas, two Panadols, and go back to bed for two hours.

What words or phrases do you overuse?

"I am sorry I haven't got around to doing that Chamber work just yet, but ..."

What is your greatest weakness? 

Physically speaking, I would be the most lazy person in Australia. Asking me questions titled "On the Couch" is extremely apt - that is where you will usually find me.  

Why did you want to be a lawyer? 

This is really corny, but I was really swept away by "To Kill a Mocking Bird". I read it when I was 15 and never really thought about any other career after that. I am afraid I may have let Atticus Finch down.

Has being senior counsel assisting in NSW's biggest corruption case changed you? 

As best I can tell - not at all.

What was you most indelible ICAC moment?  

Shortly after Eddie Obeid proudly told me that he spends more than I could ever earn in a lifetime, I received a telephone text message from my son: "Dad, you would have to accept that part of his evidence was honest and accurate." 

Would you change any aspect of the way ICAC operates?

I would immediately and retrospectively increase the fees for counsel assisting.

What's your most glamorous feature?

Not applicable.

If you were a foodstuff, what would you be?

Peanut butter. Or, on second thought, hot chips.

What human quality do you most distrust?

Smiling tolerance - it is nearly always masking some deep seated prejudice.

Whom or what do you consider overrated?

Any form of physical exertion supposedly undertaken for enjoyment.  

What would your epitaph say?

"Please forward all outstanding fees to my clerk." 

What comes into your mind when you shut your eyes and think of the word "law"? 

A mixture of emotions - a fear of making a fool of myself; the sheer hard slog; and the joy of accumulating frequent flyer points. 


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