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Judicial shockers ... The justice business ... Appeal admonitions ... Sore bottoms for those lower down the chain of command ... Nationwide lapses ... Perfection proves elusive ... Latest from Ginger Snatch ... Read more ...

Politics Media Law Society

Journalism's new poster boy ... Our Julian's long and winding road … Legal quagmire … Espionage Act versus prior restraint of the press … The born-again "journalist" who hates journalism … Establishing a treacherous precedent … Not letting shortcomings swamp the positives ... Read on ... 

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It's too late for the thylacine ... Procrustes closely analyses recent Justinian reports ... The Ippster and Stella Liebeck ... Tort law reform that went beyond the Pale ... In Tassie, no one is allowed to speak for the forests ... Standing up against State rule of the trees ... Where's Syd Shea when you need him? ... Read more ... 

Blow the whistle


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Vic's Bar ... Oral history ... Jeff Sher and his famous cases ... More >>

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Courtroom capers ... Federal Court's digital hiccups ... Principal Registrar in home run ... Pronunciation requirements for names and pre-nominate ... Elocution audit ... Common law shuffle in New South Wales ... Vicki Mole reports ... Read more ... 

"I think it's madness to change it. If you walked into a McDonald's hamburger restaurant and they started serving you seafood, you'd be very confused if you were a customer."

Newington College old boy Peter Thomas arguing against the school admitting female students ... Reported in Guardian Australia, June 21, 2024 ... Read more flatulence ... 

Justinian Featurettes

The election season ... The case for compulsory voting ... Pity the Brits, French and Americans where politicians have to "get out the vote" ... Nathan Twibill on the advantages of the "median voter" strategy ... Vote early, vote often ... Read more ... 

Justinian's archive

Self-promotion ... Academics scramble to peddle influence with High Court judges ... Government seeks new role for s.18C ... Twenty-one years later, the cheque arrives ... Would you eat at a cafe owned by a Cabinet minister? ... From Justinian's Archive, October 27, 2014 ... Read more ... 



Justinian's archive

Entries by Justinian (169)


Dear Fink

Chris Judd, Nick Maxwell and Matthew Boyd get out their laptops and send Justice Finkelstein tributes on the eve of his retirement from the Federal Court ... Melbourne's AFL culture recognises no boundaries

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Onwards and upwards for Pigs Arse

Spellbinding newspaper interview with the former lion of Melbourne, business, politics and football, John Elliott ... Barry Lane does his best to fill in some gaps in the story ... The prosecution over the Elders' bonds issue ... Water Wheel's insolvent trading ... The unhappy creditors ... A peep in the rear-view mirror 

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Hong Kong's housing bubble

Percy Lo-Kit Chan bemoans that living space is at an absolute premium in Hong Kong and vastly expensive ... Now there is a clamp down on "illegal structures" that will create even more of a squeeze ... Percy has some housing and tax advice for young Australian lawyers coming to HK for a stint

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There but for fortune 

ACT Supremes still drowsy ... AG Smith singing at Silverwater ... Queen's gongs for lawyers ... Littlemore's new hero - "ugly, irascible, intolerant, clever" ... Clutz' document retention policy thriving ... Minimalist welcome from the bar for Ashley Black ... The Rudds turn up at Spigs last admission ceremony

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The bias in favour of complexity

Legal complexity and reasonable fees: can they co-exist? ... Tulkinghorn examines the notion that in order for trials to be fair, they have to be complicated ... When you hear lawyers and legislators proclaiming the virtues of plain English and simplification - don't believe them

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The vulture flies to Beijing

Rule of law in Hong Kong rudely shaken ... Sovereign debt case sent by Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal to National People's Congress for resolution ... Legal system on the mainland still an adjunct of the government ... Percy Lo-Kit Chan reports

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Sinking of the Voyager survivors

Lawyer hollows out Voyager compo awards ... Receiver's costs balloon as Vic Supremes and LSB chew-up victims' proceeds ... Tom Westbrook reports on the latest twists in the David Forster case

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Trilby in Misso soup

Saga of the struck-off Townsville solicitor ... Client sold to Trilby Misso, who smartly dumps and overcharges the hapless punter ... Press releases fly as law chain sent to the stipes for investigation ... "Because we care" ... Sir Terence O'Rort reports 

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God botherers' picnic

A few bars of Danny Boy from the attorney general would be a treat for the Anglo lawyers brekka ... Sharp right turn for law and justice policies in NSW ... Greg Smith over-eggs his mandatory sentencing rhetoric ... Polly Peck reports

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It's all a terrible misunderstanding

Star of TV documentary in disciplinary drama of her own ... Bar council's complaint against criminal defence barrister's "clumsy and ambiguous" email to colleagues dismissed by ADT ... Costs awarded for double jeopardy and oppression

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Hart breaker

Barrister with innovative drink-driving practice struck from the jam roll after impressive list of priors ... Lapses going back to 2006 finally catch-up with forum shopper

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Changing the guard

The Queens Square Lubyanka saw a beefy turnout and a smooth transition as the orb and sceptre were passed from Spigelman to Bathurst ... The lack of fine oratory was compensated for by lavish basting ... Picture gallery

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Unvarnished pollies

Lord Chancellor's grief over rape law reform ... Boris Johnson on Aristotle, Marilyn Monroe, Scarlett Johansson and Mrs Johnson ... Leverhulme in London on a couple of pollies who tell it like it is

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Pensioner notes

Updated on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 by Registered CommenterJustinian

Path cleared should Nicholas Cowdery want to become a judge ... Chief Magistrate wins pension jackpot ... Tiny amendments with big consequences ... Judges' associate Ginger Snatch reports

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Private prisons require quality inmates

What, not more selective reporting by The Australian ... This time the economics editor extols the virtues of private prison operator Serco ... Cherry picking prisoners can result in glowing outcomes ... Barry Lane in Melbourne asks, why should the state pay for a private operator to make a profit, when the taxpayer has to pick-up all the tab?

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Carr and Brandis talk constitutional talk

New constitutional reform unit at Uni of Sydney ... Indigenous recognition, the role of state governments, and local government all on the agenda ... Constitutional trogs Bob Carr and George Brandis part of the launch line-up ... Our man with a notebook was there for the ribbon-cutting

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Some priors are more meaningful than others

Judicial blindfold firmly in place when Vic Appeals fiddled with the sentence of expelled Hells Angel ... When is a prior conviction not a prior conviction? ... Barry Lane investigates

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Anyone for tennis?

Update ... Baffo bounds onto centre court ... Despite the plaudits, Tom Bathurst remains a mystery man ... An able barrister without much on the record ... The right noises about "access to justice", but who thinks anything interesting will happen? ... Some morsels about NSW's incoming chief justice

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Knit one, pearl one

It's winter and the NSW bar 'n' grill gets out the knitting needles and balls of wool for a good old knitathon ... Brian Tamberlin, the O'Barrell government's power man, will provide a welcome boost to the Lawyers Full-Employment Act ... Solicitors who forge documents - it's worth the punt

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Journalist's reputation marred by superinjunction

Leverhulme in London ... At the wedding ... Remembering Gilbert Gray QC ... And Andrew Marr's superinjunction - when journalists muzzle the media

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