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Justinian News

Sore bottoms on the bench ... Birchings for judgments that went askew ... Appeal reasons from higher up the food chain ... FCA judge finds that a commercial loss is really a bargain ... Trauma at the Tribunal ... Theodora reports ... Read more >> 

Politics Media Law Society

Pressing matters ... The media edition … Press gangs of Sydney … Turmoil in the newsrooms … Commercial newspapers and TV on their last legs … Moloch's people infiltrating everywhere … Medals for prize journalists … Streaming services – the new snails on the block ... Read on ... 

Lehrmann v Network Ten ... Judgment for sale ... Justice Lee's reasons in paperback ... More >>

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Justinian Columnists

Online incitements ... Riots in English cities fed by online misinformation about refugees ... Policing and prosecution policies ... Fast and furious processing of offenders ... Online Safety Act grapples with new challenges ... Increased policing of speech on tech platforms ... Hugh Vuillier reports from London ... Read more >> 

Blow the whistle


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Justinian's Bloggers

Postcard from London ... Watching Starmer mince the sausages ... How to move a file from the inactive list ... Court's failed email notification system ...Sleep monitors want to measure the extent of lawyers' restfulness ... Floyd Alexander-Hunt reporting from London ... Read more >> 

"As I found in my time in parliament, uniquely among the parties, it is only Liberals who defend the rights of their enemies.

George (Bookshelves) Brandis, writing in The Sydney Morning Herald, October 7, 2024 ... Read more flatulence ... 

Justinian Featurettes

Tootsies with Planet Janet ... Water Softener and the Planet ... Further details of the width and depth of their relationship ... Chief Justice of the ACT grants Justinian's application for access to more documents ... A barrage of text messages and phone calls throughout the Drumgold investigation ... Collated reporting ... More on Sofronoff and Albrechtsen ... Read more ... 

Justinian's archive

Regrets ... The then Media Watch host and one of the country's most magnificent silks birched in the High Court for not sticking to the rules ... Scratchy Stu ... From Justinian's Archive, May 1997 ... Read more ... 



Justinian featurettes

There's another world beyond law and lawyering ... and here you can find it: reviews, wine notes, interviews, and unpacking the human condition.  

Critics' Corner: reviews of books, films and TV by Worm, I. Box and Miss Lumière.
Déjà Vu: marvellous slices of history from Justinian's bulging archive.
I Once Met ... Prominent and unusual people encourtered by our readers and contributors. 
JustyFlix: our film crew covers the most glittering events on the calendar. 
On the Couch: where notable notables bear their souls. 
Wendler on Wine: spectacular wine reviews, gargling and spitting from barrister Gabriel Wendler.  

All our featurettes have escaped from inside the paywall.  


Entries by Justinian (265)


The Courier

The Cold War and its spies ... Getting military secrets out of the Soviet Union ... Cuban missile crisis ... Khrushchev unhinged ... Let's Twist Again ... How MI6 and the CIA betrayed their informant ... Benedict Cumberbatch, as the ordinary Greville Wynne, comes to the "rescue" ... Miss Lumière at the flicks

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Biloela family - a timeline

Time doesn't fly in immigration detention ... A tortured path through Australia's visa regime for refugee applicants ... It's anything but Christmas ... A nine-year fight against cruelty and the law ... Janek Drevikovsky reviews the cases 

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High Ground

If you occupy the high ground, you control everything ... A white man's war-time notion ... Colonial invasion in all its savagery ... The King's law confronts justice for the dispossessed ... Miss Lumière at the cinema 

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Murder at sea

Underwater slaughter of a journalist ... The struggle to get a murder conviction ... Danish police methodically unravel the case ... Dogs sniffing the waves ... Miss Lumière reviews The Investigation 

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Not him too ...

Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the alleged rape in New York's Sofitel ... Victim monstered by lawyers ... Elaborate conspiracy theories ... The same old story ... Director General of the IMF blows-up a beautiful political future ... Miss Lumière on a peculiar French penchant 

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Tbilisi uncorked

A ripping yarn ... Stalin and the Tsar's wine cellar ... Adventures in Georgia with George and Nino ... Hunting for Chateau d'Yquem ... Justinian's wine correspondent Gabriel Wendler recalls a lasting taste memory ... History and geography ... Raiders of the Lost Wine 

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The Trial of the Chicago 7

Brutal America ... March 1969 and the trial of seven anti-war protesters ... Yippees ... Chicago police riot ... Biased and incompetent judge ... Contempt in all its many guises ... Miss Lumière reviews Aaron Sorkin's take on a stormy, shambolic trial  

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The strange case of Julian Assange

Pressing questions ... Is Assange a journalist, a publisher, a combatant in information warfare, a tool of Russia? ... Do journalistic standards apply? ... Does it matter? ... The superseding indictment ... The Espionage Act and the First Amendment ... Lacunae in the law ... Janek Drevikovsky explains 

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Inside the Covid-free bubble

Girt by sea ... Latest from the west ... Murder-suicide and the family court "system" ... Non-reappointment for the anti-corruption commissioner ... Christian's virtues ... Mr Palmer ... Scotty from Marketing ... And others ... Sandgroper's letter from Perth 

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The Comey Rule

Streaming now ... Based on the former FBI director's book ... An insight into America's trauma ... A president hell-bent on suborning the bureau to his will ... A mafioso in the White House ... Hillary's emails and the 2016 election ... The Russia investigation ... Everyone is compromised ... Miss Lumière dips her toe into the swamp 

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