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Letter from Blighty

Rishi rushing to the polls ... Gen Z sent to the trenches ... Tongue tied law firm receptionist ... Putting you through to the wrong person ...Young solicitors told they had not qualified ... Exam fiasco ... Trying to catch the Septics pay packets ... Floyd Alexander-Hunt reports from London 

Bend and Snap (Election)

A soaked Rishi Sunak shocked pundits (and anyone else with common sense), when he called for a snap election to be held on July 4, 2024. 

Traditionally the setting for American Independence Day is clambakes and fireworks, and this year it will include more out-of-work Tories.

One reasonable explanation is that Sunak called for an election in a last-ditch attempt to prevent himself from causing any further damage to the Conservatives' chances of winning. 

It's kind of like when you present your partner with an ultimatum - marry me now or I'll walk! We all know they're probably going to walk ...  

Down the aisle! Just kidding, not all of us are unhinged. 

In a desperate attempt to capture more of the youth vote, Sunak has produced some innovative policies, including mandatory national service for those turning 18! 

The only thing less appealing to Gen Z than fighting on the front lines is ankle socks and low-rise jeans (if you know, you know). 

What do you think holds a higher chance - the TikTok generation storming the front lines, or Sunak's government winning another term? 

Sorry, we can't answer your call 

Law firm receptionist Miss J. Earle has lost her tribunal claim after claiming she was unreasonably fired for her inability to say the firm's name when answering calls

Admittedly, the firm's name is quite the mouthful - Wykeham-Hurford Sheppard & Son - basically the law firm equivalent of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

However, the tribunal held that it was not unreasonable to ask the receptionist to say the firm's name. What are they going to ask next, come to work at 9 am? Ludicrous!

Miss Earle complained that it was a difficult name to repeat over the phone and that she'd faced discrimination due to her disability which included back, shoulder and neck pain. 

Who knew a few tight knots could prevent speech? Ironically, it didn't get in the way of Miss Earle representing herself in the matter.

Earle was hired in June 2022 on a temporary basis however her placement was terminated just eight days later. 

In addition to an inability to pronounce the firm's name, she "repeatedly put calls or attempted to put calls through to [firm director] Mrs Reeve or other fee-earners directly" rather than support staff as she had been instructed to do. 

I guess "Mrs Reeve" is easier to say than "Wykeham-Hurford Sheppard & Son". 

The tribunal concluded: 

"A new member of staff could have overcome the problem by practice or having the name to hand, in writing, when answering the phone, but for whatever reason Miss Earle was unable [to] answer the phone to the respondent's satisfaction.

"It was the manner in which Miss Earle refused to accept her own obvious shortcomings which further undermined her credibility." 

Here's hoping her next job is not at Litt Wheeler Williams Bennett - the fictional firm at the end of Suits

We regret to inform you ... you passed

In March 2024, 175 candidates were told they had failed the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE1) when in fact, they passed. 

Here we find that studying wasn't left to the last minute ending in a disappointing fail - it was the assessor who failed. 

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and SQE assessment provider Kaplan have apologised to the students who were incorrectly told they had failed, with the promise of a £250 "goodwill payment" to soften the distress. 

The Junior Lawyers Division (JLD) has threatened to escalate the fiasco to the Legal Services Board, arguing the goodwill payment is insufficient. After all, £250 can barely cover a meal out in London. 

"The costs of the SQE are being increased by 5% from September 2024 and the cost of a final appeal for candidates is £850. We cannot accept how the goodwill payment has been quantified and do not believe that it has been given adequate consideration."

Several of the 175 candidates had their training contracts rescinded due to the error. The Junior Lawyers insisted that "an error of this magnitude" should never have happened.

"This is not the first time that errors have been made and apologies have been issued. Both the SRA and Kaplan have committed to keeping an open dialogue with us, and if changes are not implemented, we will see to escalate the matter to the Legal Services Board."

Basically, it's a Fail. 

Gun lawyers and money

UK law firms are battling it out over newly qualified lawyers by hiking their pay packets

Linklaters recently raised salaries for newly qualified lawyers by 20%, following a similar move from Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. 

These juniors are now being paid £150k, up from £125k - requiring 50+ hour weeks. The eye-watering figures render them lawyers designated shouters at Friday night drinks. 

Kidding, they can't make it - they're working.

Over the past decade, UK firms have face increased competition from US giants muscling into the London market. Consequently, five Magic Circle shops - Allen & Overy, Clifford Chance, Freshfields, Linklaters, and Slaughter and May - have lost their dominance in the London legal market. 

Salary increases will help to narrow the gap with US firms, which start at $225,000 for first-year associates, however UK firms are still about 12-15% short. Perhaps you get 12-15% more sleep? 


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