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Triumph in the tropics

Stuart (Keys) Littlemore's adventures in PNG ... You are a conman ... No, you are a conman ... Parliamentary privilege at stake ... Gripping cross-examination at commission of inquiry ... From Justinian's archive, April 2003

Littlemore: jeered by public at commission of inquiryIt's nice to know Stuary (Keys) Littlemore makes a lasting impression wherever he goes - and not just in Kilminster Lane.

Here's a first rate piece of cross-examination from Littlemore during an inquiry into the sale of the central bank of Papua New Guinea - PNGBC.

Our man is acting for the bank and he had PNG member of parliament Peter Yama in the box for a forensic evisceration.

Things got off to a scratchy start with Yama demanding an apology from Stu, who had upset him by describing his earlier non-availability at the inquiry as "playing ducks and drakes".

Yama accused the magnificent silk of calling him a "duck".

It was all downhill from there. 

Justinian publishes these excerpts from the Post-Courier in Port Moresby:

Littlemore: I have some questions, Mr Yama. I am going to ask you questions on behalf of the central bank.

Yama: Sure.

Littlemore: Mr Kamit (Wilson Kamit, Governor of Central Bank) ...

Yama: Yes.

Littlemore: You understand?

Yama: Yes. Chairman, before I answer Mr Littleman's questions, I want him to apologise to me by calling me on the media as a duck because ...

Littlemore: As a what?

Yama: Nobody in this country will go to Australia or any country for that matter in an inquiry and call a leader of a country you know, and making sarcastic comments or you know, calling him a duck. I am a leader constituted by the people of this country. I am a leader of this country and none of my countryman will call me duck.

Chairman of the commission of inquiry, Marshall Cooke QC, interrupted to understand how and where the word "duck" had come from.

Mr Yama said: "Now chairman, I will not answer his questions unless he apologises to me."

Yama apologised to the commission for not earlier appearing before the inquiry because he was pressed with other matters he wanted resolved. 

His reasons were accepted by the commission.

Littlemore: Mr Yama, you are not due any apology from me and I am not offering you any apology. Do you understand that?

Yama: Well I do not recognise you.

Littlemore: Well I do not care if you do or not, Mr Yama.

Yama: I call you a little man here. In your country, you are a big man.

Littlemore: I will ask you some questions now.

Yama: Go ahead.

Littlemore wanted to know whether it was disgraceful for Yama to make comments in parliament that traduced the reputation of people, without any basis. 

Yama: It is not disgraceful. I have the right to ask questions ... what I believe is right.

Littlemore: On no basis?

Yama: In the interests of the people of this country.

Littlemore: On no basis?

Yama: In the interests of the country and the people of this country because I am elected to do so.

Littlemore: On no proper basis?

Yama: Not you.

Littlemore: Answer the question, would you?

Yama: I have already answered.

Littlemore: You say it is not disgraceful?

Yama: I have told you already.

Yama's lawyer John Poro objected to the line of Littlemore's questions and told the inquiry the comments by his client were made in parliament and therefore were privileged.

The commission agreed and told Littlemore to concentrate on his client's interest.

Littlemore asked Yama whether he had any facts to substantiate claims that a particular person (named) was a "conman".

Yama: Have I called him a conman?

Littlemore: Yes.

Yama: Where is your evidence?

Littlemore: I am asking you the questions.

Yama: Get your evidence right. 

Littlemore: Do not ask me questions, Mr Yama. 

At that point, observers at the inquiry were jeering and making comments about Littlemore, who asked the inquiry chairman to direct that the public keep quiet.

The cross-examination resumed:

Littlemore: Well, is it not a wild allegation to say to somebody that he is a conman?

Yama: These days, chairman, even good man becomes conman, so you never know.

Littlemore: Well that is a good thing to be, is it, a conman?

Yama: Well, everybody is a conman anyway.

Littlemore: Are you a conman?

Yama: No, you are a conman. 

Littlemore: Are you a conman? 

Yama: I think you are a conman.

Littlemore: Answer my question. 

Yama: I believe you are a conman. 

Littlemore: Well that is your belief but I am asking you for a fact. Are you a conman?

Yama: Well, I am not a conman, but you are a conman.

Littlemore: You are not. But it is good thing to be a conman, is it?

Yama: Well, conman makes a lot of money.

Littlemore: You make a lot of money?

Yama: I struggle in business with K300 bucks to be a millionaire, but good conmen overnight become millionaire like yourself. 

Littlemore then asked about another person whom Mr Yama had claimed to be a conman and whether he had proof of his allegations.

Yama: You would be a better person to know because you come from Australia - they hired you.

A triumphant day for Stu in the tropics. 

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