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Judicial shockers ... The justice business ... Appeal admonitions ... Sore bottoms for those lower down the chain of command ... Nationwide lapses ... Perfection proves elusive ... Latest from Ginger Snatch ... Read more ...

Politics Media Law Society

On the defensive ... Exclusive … The zone of hurt feelings … A delicate flower on the Coalition’s macho frontbench … Linda’s Last Chance at the Wild West Saloon … Salving the pain by rehashing ancient history … Uncovering the cover-up ... Read on ... 

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It's too late for the thylacine ... Procrustes closely analyses recent Justinian reports ... The Ippster and Stella Liebeck ... Tort law reform that went beyond the Pale ... In Tassie, no one is allowed to speak for the forests ... Standing up against State rule of the trees ... Where's Syd Shea when you need him? ... Read more ... 

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Courtroom capers ... Federal Court's digital hiccups ... Principal Registrar in home run ... Pronunciation requirements for names and pre-nominate ... Elocution audit ... Common law shuffle in New South Wales ... Vicki Mole reports ... Read more ... 

"I think it's madness to change it. If you walked into a McDonald's hamburger restaurant and they started serving you seafood, you'd be very confused if you were a customer."

Newington College old boy Peter Thomas arguing against the school admitting female students ... Reported in Guardian Australia, June 21, 2024 ... Read more flatulence ... 

Justinian Featurettes

The election season ... The case for compulsory voting ... Pity the Brits, French and Americans where politicians have to "get out the vote" ... Nathan Twibill on the advantages of the "median voter" strategy ... Vote early, vote often ... Read more ... 

Justinian's archive

The life, loves, triumphs and disappointments of Tom Hughes KC ... Choice cuts from Ian Hancock's biography of Tom Hughes, A Cab on the Rank ... A painful move from 11 Selborne ... Skyrocketing fees ... Great cases ... Lionel Murphy - "not an easy client" ... Diary observations of judges, barristers and bar etiquette ... From Justinian's Archive, August 11, 2016 ... Read more ... 



Justinian's archive

Entries in Russell Keddie (16)


Frontline reports 

Rejigging Mrs Keddie's property portfolio ... Missing bits from 4 Corners cult report ... The Elf hones his advocacy as he steps into street brawls ... Bailed-up by Hatzistergos ... DFAT's fat-headed super-injunction 

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Where's my dividend? 

Last shout ... Undercurrents at Vic Grill ... Money the root of all trouble ... Mrs K comes up with $4.5 million ... Christmas prezzie for creditors 

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Keddies update

It's foggy in Barakat-Land ... Is that a Le Wrap? ... Settlement likely with Mrs K ... Hiding assets in clumsy deceits on creditors is something up with which the Law Society should not put 

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Russell's dividend

Scratching around Russell Keddie's estate to find a few bob for creditors … $23 million in claims against the former multi-millionaire solicitor … Public examination of Mr & Mrs Keddie … Creditors' meeting … Max Donnelly's third report 

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Unpicking Russell Keddie's bankrupt estate

There's another $1.7 million in Keddie assets that trustee Max Donnelly might get his hands on … Prospective dividend at the moment from estate stands at 25 cents in the dollar … More fees for Ferrier Hodgson … Full report to creditors from trustee 

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Russell does a runner

Updated on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 by Registered CommenterJustinian

Bankruptcy - Russell Keddie's latest stunt ... Millions owing to former clients and lawyers ... Transfer of assets to be unravelled ... Roulstone and Barakat next in line to go belly-up? ... Substantial amounts owed to tax man ... Remember Gus Cummins "QC AJC" and the Hunters Hill "transfer"? 

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You've got to be Kedding

Updated on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 by Registered CommenterJustinian

UPDATE ... Keddies has been the biggest public overcharging scandal to confront the legal profession in NSW ... Yet the Legal Services Commissioner, Steve Mark, has ended-up in a woeful place ... In order to get his partners off the hook Russell Keddie made admissions ... Admissions which don't stack-up 

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Double indemnity

Another case of Keddies overcharging - this time by $150,000 ... Keddies' case collapses in Court of Appeal ... Indemnity costs at trial and on appeal ... Flailing about as costs and damages mount in ongoing breach of contract saga ... Splitski at Brydens 

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Keddies drops claim to pay $3.4 million in damages by instalments 

Build-up of verdicts in District Court for overcharging ... Keddies Three put on affidavits as to how poor they are ... Application for time payment withdrawn as prospect of cross-examination looms 


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Russell Keddie admits he grossly overcharged 

A long and torturous road ... Three years after proceedings by LSC commenced, Russell Keddie and employed solicitor Philip Scroope make admissions in agreed statements of facts to the Administrative Decisions Tribunal ... Gross overcharging by 46 percent ... Penalties pending 

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Biography underway for lion of the bar

Tom Hughes to be profiled in detail and at length in new book by Canberra historian ... Keddies still ducking and weaving - application for judge to step aside ... Barristers ordered to reveal their billing in Hong Kong PI cases ... Smallbone boned by bar 'n' grill ... Ashton v Pratt - Madison flirts with an appeal 

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Keddies must be kidding

New law year blasts off with contempt trial of three Keddies' partners … Cheque signed by Roulstone prime facie a breach of court order

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"Grave disapproval" of Keddies

Further delays in "bring them to heel" proceedings against Keddies ... Defendants want formal charges for contempt of court case ... Breach of ordinary tenets of professional courtesy ... Possible cross-examination set for Monday

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Order to Keddies: show cause 

Contempt of court … Intrusion into overcharging proceedings … Prime facie breach of undertakings and injunctions … Raising fingers of scorn at Supreme Court ... Keddies Three expected to be cross-examined by Stitt QC 

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Day of accounting looms for fee factory

Overcharging - how gross ... Keddie hearing next April ... Judge Jim Curtis carefully exposes overbilling regime at Keddies ... The leveraging of time and money 

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War on wig spitters

Non-lawyer abuses barrister's wig at Parramatta - bar draws up emergency plans ... Three years later, and still no date for Keddie disciplinary hearing ... Hughes and Rofe - senior silks sell their chambers ... Law firms doing pro bono refugee work prefer to fly under the radar 

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