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Judicial shockers ... The justice business ... Appeal admonitions ... Sore bottoms for those lower down the chain of command ... Nationwide lapses ... Perfection proves elusive ... Latest from Ginger Snatch ... Read more ...

Politics Media Law Society

On the defensive ... Exclusive … The zone of hurt feelings … A delicate flower on the Coalition’s macho frontbench … Linda’s Last Chance at the Wild West Saloon … Salving the pain by rehashing ancient history … Uncovering the cover-up ... Read on ... 

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Justinian Columnists

It's too late for the thylacine ... Procrustes closely analyses recent Justinian reports ... The Ippster and Stella Liebeck ... Tort law reform that went beyond the Pale ... In Tassie, no one is allowed to speak for the forests ... Standing up against State rule of the trees ... Where's Syd Shea when you need him? ... Read more ... 

Blow the whistle


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Justinian's Bloggers

Courtroom capers ... Federal Court's digital hiccups ... Principal Registrar in home run ... Pronunciation requirements for names and pre-nominate ... Elocution audit ... Common law shuffle in New South Wales ... Vicki Mole reports ... Read more ... 

"I think it's madness to change it. If you walked into a McDonald's hamburger restaurant and they started serving you seafood, you'd be very confused if you were a customer."

Newington College old boy Peter Thomas arguing against the school admitting female students ... Reported in Guardian Australia, June 21, 2024 ... Read more flatulence ... 

Justinian Featurettes

Other Voices, Other Rooms ... Hack attack on barrister ... Heavy-handed Jewish lobby calling the shots ... No support from chambers ... Eerie silence from professional bodies about Gaza atrocities ... Latest cancellations ... Free speech in a spin ... From our Editorial Board ... Read more ... 

Justinian's archive

The life, loves, triumphs and disappointments of Tom Hughes KC ... Choice cuts from Ian Hancock's biography of Tom Hughes, A Cab on the Rank ... A painful move from 11 Selborne ... Skyrocketing fees ... Great cases ... Lionel Murphy - "not an easy client" ... Diary observations of judges, barristers and bar etiquette ... From Justinian's Archive, August 11, 2016 ... Read more ... 



Justinian's archive

Entries in Dyson Heydon (15)


Dyson's day in drag

It's 1959, or maybe 1960 ... Commem Day at the University of Sydney ... History ... A Cold War celebration ... Dyson Heydon dressed as a Russian babushka ... Why exactly, we're not sure ... Students up to something ... From Justinian's Photo Archive 

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The sound of one man bowing

Solo bows ceremony grips Molonglo Supremes ... Press releases flowing from the QE11 Cauldron ... Slater & Gordon minting it as acquisitions pile up 

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Spotlighting with Dyse

Dyson Heydon, a clever troglodyte, handed the spotlight by the Addams family ... Extraordinary powers to explore anything and anyone ... Recalling some of Dyse's finest historical and literary flourishes 

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Nineteenth century man

Dyson Heydon's top 10 books of the nineteenth century … From Memoires d'Outre Tombe to The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian … Dyse's faves from a golden time 

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The rich tapestry of the law

New-Old life for Dyse ... Allens' former senior partner's breast-taking moment ... The ineffectiveness of suppression orders in the internet age ... Private equity fund gobbles Lawyers Fortnightly ... Torturous 14 year grind by the SA Bureau de Spank 

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The show must go on

A post-Dysian world ... Justice Peter Young shows the way ... Veil piercing ... The slipperiness of legislative intention ... "Purpose" is the empty vessel into which judges can pour their own meaning ... Procrustes takes his pills 

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Sex and death

Shades of a torrid time in Townsville ... Media inquiries about Dyse ... Competition for Kirbs ... Slater & Gordon's referral fees ... How Queensland dropped out of the national profession reforms 

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Advice from the lower deck

Combative words ... Canberra beak objects to florid phrases from Dyson Heydon ... Debasing respect for the judicial process ... Lessons in language 

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Cites from Dyse

Dyson Heydon weaves his magic in two of the latest decisions from on High ... Patel and Zentai ... Plus, Proscrustes delves into his clipping file to fish out more on the cosy relationship between Pel-Air and the government ... History of crashing aeroplanes  

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Two dangling plums

How far ahead can the government lock-in High Court appointments? ... Why is Soapy Brandis so unbearably smug? ... How do we solve the problem of refugee boats? ... Procrustes asks ... And answers 

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James Hardie and the rule of law brigade

The Rule of Law Institute had been rooting for upholding the NSW Court of Appeal's decision in the James Hardie directors' case ... Fortunately, the High Court had better ideas about the rule of law ... Strange connections ... Dyse Heydon's comprehensive skewering 

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Apres nous le deluge?

Change is in the air ... Abel Magwitch contemplates the forthcoming reconfiguration of the High Court ... A plea that the NSW and Victorian bars not be overlooked ... Doctrinal questions in play just as Gummow and Heydon are needed 

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The history boy

High Court judges love the adornment of historical learning ... Dyse leads the way ... History-laden scornful asides ... Even an assault on the Vic AG for daring to introduce his human rights legislation ... Procrustes delves into the separation of criticisms 

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R.(I).P. Meagher

St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney chocker with mourners at Roddy Meagher's funeral mass ... Dyce raced through the eulogy, but everything else took a very long time ... I'm just a soul whose intentions are good ... Oh Lord don't let me be misunderstood ... Notes from the Pelladium 

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The dicing of Heydon's job application

It's Déjà Vu all over again ... Justinian discovers the full text of Dyson Heydon’s famous Quadrant speech ... Juiciest parts chopped from the published version ... Here are the bits where Dyce pokes his tongue out at his least favourite judges ... From Justinian's archive, February 2004 

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