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"Creative Australia is an advocate for freedom of artistic expression and is not an adjudicator on the interpretation of art. However, the Board believes a prolonged and divisive debate about the 2026 selection outcome poses an unacceptable risk to public support for Australia's artistic community and could undermine our goal of bringing Australians together through art and creativity."

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Portraits of the law 

Yarraside bar launches portrait gallery of ancient monuments ... How to shop in a wig and gown ... Stalled career relaunched at the bar ... Standby for silk fest ... Fighting for you 

O'Callaghan: Vic Bar Portrait Gallery in his honour

MELBOURNE barristers are anxiously anticipating the unveiling of Vic Bar's portrait collection and the sprinkling of holy water over the Peter O'Callaghan QC Gallery. 

The big day is October 8 in the foyer of Owen Dixon Chambers West and it looks like a rhapsody for the faithful. 

Apart from Peter, who recently hit the headlines over his role as the Catholic Church's independent investigator into allegations of child sexual abuse in Melbourne, Justice Susan Crennan, from On High, will say some heart-warming words about the ancient silk. 

The actual unveiling will be performed by AG Bookshelves (Bigot) Brandis, which is odd because this is a room where there is absolutely no space for shelving. 

Pig Iron: one of Vic Bar's patron saintsThe collection itself comprises a lot of esteemed, lard-faced Melbourne worthies of the law, with pride of place reserved for Pig Iron Bob. 

Apparently, a petition went around requesting the inclusion of HH Richard McGarvie - and there's modest rejoicing that his portrait is now up on the wall. 

The bar engaged a professional curator and an interior designer to instal the collection. 

Our visual arts expert has examined the offering and reports that it looks like a rearrangement of the paintings previously hanging in the same space in Owen Dixon Chambers, although the walls have turned an artistic dark grey. 

Bar president, Willy Alstergren, hopes the collection can be exhibited in the future at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra. 

This is far too restrained. The show should go to every corner of the country so that grateful citizens can get a good butchers at the remarkable people who have made the law what it is today. 

O'Callaghan was the chairman of the committee that had oversight of the construction of Owey Dixon West and is the grill's most senior member. 

He has also been, since 1996, the independent commissioner of the RC Church's Melbourne Response. 

Last month he gave evidence to the Child Sex Abuse Royal Commission - report here. In April last year he also gave evidence to the Victorian inquiry into how sex abuse was handled by the church - report here

He defended himself against allegations by the police that he was not sufficiently independent of the church. 

The other independent commissioner for the Melbourne Response, Jeff Gleeson QC, described his colleague was "wise, compassionate and just". 

According to reports, the church has paid O'Callaghan more than $7 million since 1996. 

Watch out

THE production and retailing of boutique watches is a tough and competitive business, so it's nice to see the Rebelde watchmaker in Culwalla Chambers getting some reliable online support from celebrity barrister Charles Waterstreet. 

Rebelde is described as, "the world's smallest watch brand - designed, assembled, adjusted and guarantees by Nicholas Hacko, third generation master watchmaker". 

The Facebook page for the Rebelde brand is replete with pictures of Charles gushing over the obscure timepieces. 

"I want one! I've been trying to find a watch for 60 years ... CW is one of Sydney's well known and most flamboyant characters". 

You can't beat promoting watches in your robes. 

Last week Waterstreet was called upon to launch Erik Jensen's book on the life and death of artist Adam Cullen, Acute Misfortune

After the formalities, he was seen leaving Berkelouw's with three young women in tow. 

"I'd have taken a fourth, except that I'm cross-examining in the morning," he cooed. 

Roulstone's relaunch 

FORMER Keddies' high flyer Scott Roulstone is preparing to relaunch his career at the NSW bar. 

He's been doing the bar course and is due to be issued with a barrister's ticket quite soon. 

Along with former partner Tony Barakat he was put off the track by the Law Society in November 2012, not for over-charging, mind you, but for allegedly manipulating assets to defeat creditors. 

The society's decision was upheld by the ADT. 

The two Keddies' boys had gone belly up after a whole pile of overcharging cases were launched against them by disgruntled former clients. 

In June, Robert Beech-Jones in the NSW Supremes waved Roulstone and Barakat back onto the track.  

In relation to the "impugned transactions" it was found that Barakat and Roulstone got advice from a insolvency specialist, who told them to set aside funds for the purpose of negotiating with their creditors to avoid bankruptcy. 

Further, they were advised when bankruptcy loomed not to unravel the squirreled money and assets. These transactions, apparently, were disclosed to their trustees and HH found the asset transfers were nor dishonest. 

Keep an eye out for Scotty's shingle in The Street of Shame.  

See: Adornments to the law return to the fold 

BTW: Details of NSW's annual Festival of Silk will be unveiled before Friday (Oct. 3). 

Understated lawyering 

IF anyone is staging an awards night for lawyer videos, our vote assuredly would go to Melbourne solicitor, David Weinberg. 

David has a grasp of promotional fundamentals - nothing succeeds like excess. Here he is "fighting for you". 

Maybe you think David's approach makes Saul Goodman look restrained. Compare and contrast ... 

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