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"Creative Australia is an advocate for freedom of artistic expression and is not an adjudicator on the interpretation of art. However, the Board believes a prolonged and divisive debate about the 2026 selection outcome poses an unacceptable risk to public support for Australia's artistic community and could undermine our goal of bringing Australians together through art and creativity."

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Major moments in the Murphy case

For a large chunk of the time Lionel Murphy was a High Court judge (February 1975 to October 1986) he was hanging out with magistrates and District Court judges ... Morgan Ryan case of pressing importance ... "Now what about my little mate?" ... From Justinian's Déjà Vu department ... March 1985  


May 10, 1979:

Dinner at Ryan's home. Murphy and Briese meet for the first time. Farquhar and police commissioner Wood also present. Briese not home till 3am.

December 1979:

Briese and Murphy meet again at Magistrates' Christmas party. They discuss independence of the magistracy.

January 10, 1980:

Murphy and Briese lunch at Cassims restaurant in Sydney. They discuss independence of the magistracy.

May 1981:

Memorial service for the late Mr Justice Sweeney. Briese and Murphy meet again.

May 28, 1981:

Briese visits Murphy at the High Court in Canberra. Lunch together at court, then back to Murphy's for a look at the garden and tea and drinks with Ingrid Murphy.

August 7, 1981:

Morgan Ryan charged with forging a letter.

November 5, 1981:

Ryan charged with conspiracy.

December 1982:

Ryan committal hearing before Kevin Jones SM commences.

December 1982:

Murphy rings Briese at home  and allegedly says that there is matter he would like to discuss, but not on the phone.

January 6, 1982:

Lionel and Ingrid Murphy dine at the Brieses' house. Murphy allegedly says: "I'll tell you about another weak case of conspiracy too, and that's the Morgan Ryan case." Briese says he will make some inquiries about the case.

January 19, 1982:

Jones finds a prima facie case against Ryan.

January 27, 1982:

Murphy rings Briese. They meet at the Attorney General's function later that day. Briese tells Murphy that Jones believes there is enough evidence to commit Ryan. Murphy allegedly says: "The little fellow will be shattered."

January 28 or 29, 1982:

Murphy rings Briese at his home; tells him AG Frank Walker will press ahead with legislation for independence of the magistracy. Briese says that Murphy then said: "And now, what about my little mate."

March 22, 1982:

Jones commits Ryan for trial.

April 1982:

Murphy telephones Chief Judge Staunton of the District Court with "a very unusual request indeed" - trying to arrange early trial date for Ryan. Murphy says: "Ryan is a solicitor and all solicitors are public figures."

April 1982:

Murphy telephones Diamond Jim McClelland. Murphy says: "The poor little bugger is worried out of his mind." McClelland also approaches Staunton for an early trial.

October 1982:

Murphy and Judge Flannery sit next to each other at a function - "warmed to each other considerably". 

June 1983:

Murphy and Flannery see each other at bench and bar function.

July 2, 1983:

Murphy rings Flannery when they are both in Brisbane. First time Murphy has rung Flannery in probably 25 years. Flannery invited to dine with the Murphys that night. Flannery going to dinner function hosted by Qld AG.

July 9, 1983:

The Flannerys dine with the Murphys at Murphys' Darling Point apartment. Murphy discusses his dissenting judgment in Hoar's case dealing with conspiracy.

July 11, 1983:

Ryan's trial starts before Flannery. Ryan's counsel gives quotes from Murphy's judgment in Hoar's case.

July 20, 1983:

Flannery meets Murphy at a "meet the judges" function at Sydney University. Flannery introduces his daughter to Murphy.

August 13, 1983:

Flannery meets Murphy at EJ's restaurant. Says to Murphy: "Bad luck about your mate."

October 2 or 3, 1983:

Murphy invited with others to a lunch at Flannery's home.

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