Love letters from Godwin

The Ozcar - Utegate crisis ... Email traffic March-May 2009 between Godwin Grech and Credit Suisse's John O’Sullivan ... Conservatives in manipulative tryst ... Leaks from Treasury to Liberal Party apparatchiki
Grech: in love with Janet and leaking frantically to her hubbyPoor, lonely, weird, little Godwin.
Here are some of his emails seeking the love and attention of right-wing fellow-travellers.
Liberal Party insider and Credit Suisse’s John O’Sullivan strokes the leaking weasel with the alluring offer of a cup of coffee and an audience with his columnist wife, Janet Albrechtsen.
Liberal senators, under the baton of Soapy George Brandis, opposed the publication of these emails on the internet.
Justinian has remedied the shortcoming by posting enough of them to show the context and patten of behaviour.
There’s plenty of disturbing correspondence, including suggestions of a secret fee deal for Credit Suisse and the inside running for O’Sullivan on government work - quite apart from breaches of the public service code of conduct.
* * *
From: Grech, Godwin [mailto: Godwin Grech@TREASURY. GOV. AU]
Sent: Wednesday, 11 March 2009 7.41 PM
To: O’Sullivan, John
Janet’s piece in the Aus today is excellent! You even get a mention. Seriously, please encourage her to keep at it – perhaps with even more vigour – especially in light of how much Rudd is allowed to get away with.
11 March 2009
From: O’Sullivan, John
To: Grech, Godwin
Sent: Thu Mar 12 08:27:08 2009
Godwin glad you liked it! She doesn’t need any encouragement from me I have to say. She is a pretty independent and tough minded person. Just as well – she was at a Govt reception for the ABC Board last night and got an extremely frosty reception…. Anyway, look forward to catching up soon. Next time you’re in Sydney can I buy you a coffee?
Best wishes,
John O’Sullivan
Australian Investment Banking Department
Credit Suisse (Australia) Limited
Level 31
1 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000
From: Grech, Godwin [mailto: Godwin Grech@TREASURY. GOV. AU]
Sent: Friday, 13 March 2009 5.22 AM
To: O’Sullivan, John
Classification: [SEC=PERSONAL]
Thanks. We need people like JA [Janet Albrechtsen] in the Party Room and on the front bench!!
We need to do something about the leadership farce urgently.
MT [Malcolm Turnbull] may need to contemplate some dramatic moves because Costello will bleed this out with only Rudd winning.
I certainly would welcome catching up the next time I am in Sydney.
From: O’Sullivan, John
Sent: Friday, 13 March 2009 9.20 AM
To: Grech, Godwin
Agree – am very worried about the slow bleed... Anyway, let me know when you’re in Sydney next. If I can fix it I’ll bring Janet into town for a coffee too. Cheers
John O’Sullivan
Australian Investment Banking Department
Credit Suisse (Australia) Limited
Level 31
1 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000
From: Grech, Godwin
Sent: Friday, 13 March 2009 9.48 AM
To: O’Sullivan, John
Classification: [SEC=PERSONAL]
Great. Thanks. I plan on speaking with MT this weekend.
From: Grech, Godwin [mailto: Godwin Grech@TREASURY. GOV. AU]
Sent: Friday, 13 March 2009 2.29 PM
Cc: O’Sullivan, John
FYI in confidence. Attached is the Ford Australia / Ford Credit letter to Rudd and Swan that I alerted you to this morning.
I made sure that they were complimentary of Credit Suisse in their representations to Rudd and Swan.
13 March 2009
From: Grech, Godwin [mailto: Godwin Grech@TREASURY. GOV. AU]
Sent: Monday, 16 March 2009 11.11 AM
To: O’Sullivan, John
We did speak at some length of Sunday night. T [Turnbull] will dig in, and even if blown out will wreak havoc from the BB [backbench]. I told him to hold firm if he does not wish to pursue a high risk alternative of calling PC’s [Peter Costello’s] bluff – and that of the Party Room. Money is also a potent weapon for T, i.e. the Party’s lack of it.
I can explain in confidence if you wish to discuss.
16 March 2009
From: O’Sullivan, John
Sent: Monday, 16 March 2009 11.33 AM
To: Grech, Godwin
Godwin, would be interested to hear. Can you give me a call on my mobile when it suits. Cheers
John O’Sullivan
Australian Investment Banking Department
Credit Suisse (Australia) Limited
Level 31
1 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000
O'Sullivan (right) with palsFrom: Grech, Godwin [mailto: Godwin Grech@TREASURY. GOV. AU]
Sent: Thursday, 19 March 2009 10.02 AM
To: O’Sullivan, John
Subject: FW: Auto dealer Floorplan Financing Programme [SEC=PERSONAL]
FYI for now. Re fees – what I have in mind is that once Rudd and his hacks sign off on Ford Credit – you and I can change the contract to reflect your preferred fee arrangement and push that through quickly next week. I will not be running it past Henry [Secretary to the Treasury] and co.
19 March 2009
From: O’Sullivan, John
Sent: Thursday, 19 March 2009 10.24 AM
To: Grech, Godwin
Subject: RE: Auto dealer Floorplan Financing Programme [SEC=PERSONAL]
Thanks Godwin. Sounds sensible. I will be here Monday and Tuesday but then away in HK so I will give you a call Monday to see where we got to. many thanks. jos
John O’Sullivan
Australian Investment Banking Department
Credit Suisse (Australia) Limited
Level 31
1 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000
From: Grech, Godwin
Sent: Wednesday, 15 April 2009 8.07 AM
To: john o’sullivan
Classification: [SEC=PERSONAL]
VG piece by JA today. The questions she raises are spot on.
Keep pushing on the cost estimate and press for release of detailed modelling.
From: O’Sullivan, John
Sent: Wednesday, 6 May 2009 10.24 AM
To: Grech, Godwin
Cc: Murphy, Jim; Martine, David;
Subject: RE: Car Dealer SPV: Ford Credit and Guarantee Bill – Draft Treasurer Press Release [SEC=PERSONAL]
Thanks Godwin. Touch wood but I think this has indeed gone well and I hope you and your colleagues get the recognition you deserve for your leading role in that.
John O’Sullivan
Australian Investment Banking Department
Credit Suisse (Australia) Limited
Level 31
1 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000
From: Grech, Godwin
Sent: Wednesday, 6 May 2009 9:48 AM
To: John O’Sullivan
Subject: RE: Car Dealer SPV: Ford Credit and Guarantee Bill – Draft Treasurer Press Release [SEC=PERSONAL]
Security Classification: Personal
I am planning to add a couple of lines in the PR before I send it to Swan about the role of CS [Credit Suisse], ie to try and talk you up a bit. I think we will get away with it. The PR will need to go to the Treasurer’s Office by COB at the latest today.
6 May 2009
From: Grech, Godwin
Sent: Friday, 8 May 2009 4.20 PM
To: John O’Sullivan
Subject: FW: Draft Newspaper Advertisement – RFT Financial Advisory Services Panel [SEC=PERSONAL]
FYI in confidence. An ad will soon appear in the AFR inviting investment banks and the like to tender for a Panel that Treasury wants to establish that will allow us to directly engage Credit Suisse without the usual red tape.
CS should definitely put its hand up – something extraordinary would have to happen for you not to end up on the Panel and to cream most of the work.
8 May 2009
To: Grech, Godwin; O’Sullivan, John
Subject: RE: Draft Newspaper Advertisement – RFT Financial Advisory Services Panel [SEC=PERSONAL]
Much appreciated for the heads up.
From: Grech, Godwin
Sent: Monday, 11 May 2009 10.36 AM
Subject: RE: Did you see Arthur’s new weekly column in the Oz today? [SEC=PERSONAL]
Have just read it. VG I think – and clearly part of his Bradfield strategy. Arthur [Sinodinos] would not be preparing weekly articles that are clearly pro Coalition – if he wanted a long-term career in banking!!
Re the ETS – this is exactly what I told T last night.
11 May 2009
From: Grech, Godwin
Sent: Tuesday, 12 May 2009 2.12 PM
To: O’Sullivan’ John
In confidence please. I am very keep to get xxx over the line; the principal xxx and her family are significant donors to the party and very active in xxx.
12 May 2009
From: Grech, Godwin
Sent: Wednesday, 13 May 2009 4.52 PM
To: Murray, Richard; John O’Sullivan
Cc: Murphy, Jim; Martine, David;
Subject: RE: ‘STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENT’ for Financial Advisory Services Panel: Possible Tender List [SEC=IN-CONFIDENCE: COMMERCIAL]
Possible tender invite list outlined as requested. These are people that I have dealt with; if you wise to take a broad approach utilising the AFMA/IFSA membership lists, some sifting would be required and a non ‘personalised’ approach would be necessary as we don’t have working contracts with most of the members of the two bodies.
From: Grech, Godwin
Sent: Wednesday, 13 May 2009 4.52 PM
To: Murray, Richard
Cc: Murphy, Jim; Martine, David;
Subject: RE: ‘STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENT’ for Financial Advisory Services Panel: Possible Tender List [SEC=IN-CONFIDENCE: COMMERCIAL]
Fortunately, this did not make it to CS (they were copied in error) – as the security classification blocked it.
13 May 2009
From: Grech, Godwin
Sent: Wednesday, 13 May 2009 4.54 PM
To: John O’Sullivan
Subject: FW: ‘STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENT’ for Financial Advisory Services Panel: Possible Tender List [SEC=IN-CONFIDENCE: COMMERCIAL]
Ensure that you don’t respond to the email; I copied you in error.
13 May 2009
From: Grech, Godwin [Godwin.Grech@TREASURY.GOV.AU]
Sent: 18/05/2009 11.32 AM ZE10
To: Arthur Sinodinos
Arthur [former Howard chief of staff]
Not a bad Neilson poll tis morning – especially on the primary. Neilson typically overstates ALP support. Also very interesting primary result in Victoria – with the Federal coalition going fro a 20 point deficit in March to a 5 point lead now!
Although everyone talks about the importance of Qld and NSW – the fact is that the ALP vote in Victoria reached its peak in 2007 – and I think if we get our act together we could target at least 3 seats in and around Melbourne with some confidence.
I have prepared the attached proposal. Let me know what you think.
18 May 2009
Attached document is a proposal for a National Economic Forecasting Commission. It is headed “Turnbull Government”.
From: Arthur.X.Sinodinos
Sent: Monday, 18 May 2009 11:40 AM
To: Grech, Godwin
Subject: Re: [SEC=PERSONAL]
Thanks mate
How would this body relate to the parliamentary budget office? Treasury would never want to let go of the forecasting capability which is integral to its budget work, basically it would be creating a new mini-Treasury
John Stone and Des Moore were lukewarm about the Turnbull proposal so I would doubt they would support this other model.
Sent From Blackberry Device
From: Gretch, Godwin
Sent: Monday, 18 May 2009 11:40 AM
To: Arthur.X.Sinodinos
Subject: Re: [SEC=PERSONAL]
Security Classification: Personal
It would be separate to the PBO; it would be like another ACCC but focussing only on forecasting and reporting on economic conditions.
Treasury would strongly oppose – that’s part of the motivation; Treasury would need to accept that the world has changed – part of the price of getting too close to the ALP.
Old Treasury chestnuts – such as Stone and Moore will be critical – but we can point to the benefits of greater transparency, contestability, excellence and independence in forecasting. Qualities which a Treasury can hardly argue against!
Treasury can continue to prepare its own forecasts if it wishes. If it proves itself better than NEFC – great; if NEFC serves to improve the Treasury forecasting performance through a bit of competition and contestability – great.
Treasury’s attacks will be seen as turf protections. This is in part what I want – to establish a clear tangible motive that we can point to so as to help us prove that Treasury is pro ALP. This I believe is critical to removing Rudd’s Treasury fig leaf, thereby getting to his economic credibility.
18 May 2009
Albrechtsen: tips from GodwinFrom: Grech, Godwin [mailto:Godwin.Grech@TREASURY.GOV.AU]
Sent: 20 May 2009 10:52 AM
To: O’Sullivan, John
Good piece by JA today. She may also want to consider weaving Treasury into it – especially on contract reform.
Treasury supports what Bowen is doing; a key difference today with Whitlam is that at least Treasury held true in the period 1972-75. Indeed, Treasury was pivotal in revealing the loans affair. Today Treasury is as left wing loony as the Government it serves.
20 May 2009
From: O’Sullivan, John
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 2:39 PM
To: Grech, Godwin
Godwin glad you liked it. Treasury is a real worry – yourself excluded. How did this happen? Bring back John Stone I say.
John O’Sullivan
Australian Investment Banking Department
Credit Suisse (Australia) Limited
Level 31
1 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000
From: Grech, Godwin [mailto: Godwin.Grech@TREASURY.GOV.AU]
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 6.26 PM
To: John O’Sullivan
Subject: Re: [SEC=PERSONAL]
Some funny stuff by [Christian ?] Kerr tonight re Rudd and Swan fumbling on the net and gross debt numbers – especially the reluctance to mention the ‘Billion’ word.
JA and MS [probably Michael Stutchbury] may wish to pick up a point re the debt numbers. Everyone keeps saying that the gross debt levels will be $300 billion.
Yet the real number will be much higher because even under the rubbery budget forecasts – we will not be returning to surplus until 2015-16!
This means that even according to Rudd’s Treasury ‘Fig Leaf’ – there will be a further two years, i.e. 2013-14 and 2014-15 – of deficits which will add to the stock of outstanding gross and net debt.
So Rudd should be pressed to clarify this, i.e. isn’t it wrong PM to say that we will have $300 (BILLION) in gross debt when the Treasury is not forecasting a return to surplus for at least 2 years after 2012-13? What is the real number Mr Rudd?
I will be alerting T [Turnbull] to this.
20 May 2009
From: Grech, Godwin
Sent: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 6:30 PM
To: Arthur.X.Sinodinos
Importance: High
Security Classification: Personal
You chaps may be interested in this as well. I think I am right.
20 May 2009
PS: This bloke is married to xxx
From: Grech, Godwin
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2009 10:43 AM
To: Henry, Ken; Murphy, Jim; Martine, David; McCluskey, Sharon,
Subject: OzCar; Micro Management [SEC=PERSONAL]
I am sending this through to you simply because I think it is a good illustration of how micro some of our activities in Treasury have become – and how some of us are dealing with issues (emotional / social welfare) that generally we are not trianed for.
The case relates to a xxx that has been financed by GMAC.
The case was referred to me by the Treasurer’s Office and the PMO.
No other financier wants to support the dealer – so I have been trying to line up xxx to take it on until OzCar is activated.
(I actually think that with a bit of support the principal has it in xxx to get through – the dealership is making money; the problem is that it is carrying large debt, i.e. its LVR is very high which explains why the other finance providers wont touch xxx.)
Although I am very confident that I will secure the right outcome on this case – it is not something that I am keen to become the norm.
I also think that this little case demonstrates how decisions by Government to intervene – even when there hass been a clear market failure – has implications long after the press release stage.
The ‘tail’ on this OzCar initiative has been very long and I am now very keen that we put it to rest.
The exchange below is with the xxx a sharp young bloke called xxx.
21 May 2009
From: Grech, Godwin” [Godwin.Grech@TREASURY.GOV.AU]
Sent:21/05/2009 10:49 AM ZE10
Subject: FW: OzCar: Micro Management[SEC=PERSONAL]
FYI. A good illustration I think of what Treasury has become – at least my experience of it.
21 May 2009
Sinodinos: apparatchicFrom: Arthur.X.Sinodinos
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2009 10:53 AM
To: Grech, Godwin;
Subject: Re: OzCar: Micro Management [SEC=PERSONAL]
Thanks mate.
I see the problem but in the absence of a project office it looks like Treasury is it
Sent From Blackberry Device
From: Grech, Godwin [Godwin.Grech@TREASURY.GOV.AU]
Sent 21 May 2009 11:05 AM ZE10
To: Arthur Sinodinos
Subject: RE: OzCar: Micro Management [SEC=PERSONAL]
There is a very good reason why I am making a special effort for xxx. The principal is a strong financial donor to the party and uses her home to hold fund raisers in the seat of xxx. MT [Malcolm Turnbull] knows of her (he has in fact been to her house).
I have told Rudd in person that she supports Labor and he told me to ensure she is looked after!! Risky on my part – but I am enjoying the irony of it!!
21 May 2009
From: Arthur. X. Sinodinos
Sent:Thursday, 21 May 2009 11.23AM
To: Grech, Godwin
Subject: Re: OzCar: Micro Management [SEC=PERSONAL]
Sent From Blackberry Device
From: O’Sulivan, John
Sent: Thursday, 21 May 2009 1:36 PM
To: Grech, Godwin
Yes. Excellent point. I see someone (no doubt you) must have been beaten some sense into Treasury on share schemes. The climb down will be worth watching…
John O’Sullivan
Australian Investment Banking Department
Credit Suisse (Australia) Limited
Level 31
1 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000
From: Grech, Godwin
To: Arthur.X.Sinodinos
Sent: 25 May 2009 12:13 PM
If possible, it would be good if you can send Eric Abetz a very short email or SMS etc before Friday this week just to let him know that I am on his side. I will explain later – but I need him to know from a highly credible source that I am Lib.
25 May 2009.
From: Arthur.X.Sinodios
Sent: Monday, 25 May 2009 12:33 PM
To: Grech, Godwin
Subject: Re: [SEC=PERSONAL]
Will do, mate
Arthur Sinodinos, RGM Education, Government, Business Performance and GoNab Professional Development National Australia Bank (NAB) /Level 27, 255 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
From: Grech, Godwin [mailto:Godwin.Grech@TREASURY.GOV.AU]
Sent: Wednesday 27 May 2009 11:29 AM
To: O’Sullivan, John
VG piece today by JA on Obama. He is the Kevin Rudd of US politics – a pure fake. Let’s see the ‘Black Jesus’ deal with the feral North Koreans and a hyped up Israel and Iran.
Obama was always going to adopt a more pragmatic position in office – he had to. However, there is still much scope for him and the loony Left to do serious damage – such as bankrupting the USA; not to mention adopting positions on moral issues that are reprehensible.
JA should do a similar post budget piece on Rudd.
The duplicity and and misrepresentations by Rudd are in some respect more extreme than Obama. Rudd – the fiscal and economic conservative; Rudd the Christian crusader; Rudd the environmentalist!
Although very much a personal matter – I was incensed late last year when the Brumby Labor Government introduced legislation to legalise late term abortions in Victoria.
It is now possible to legally terminate at 26 weeks in Victoria.
A number of doctors and nurses wrote to Rudd pleading with him to intervene so that the Bill was overturned.
Rudd refused- saying it was a state matter.
Since when is abortion – late term abortion – a state matter!
Where was our Christian crusader at the time of real moral calling??? He refused to exert his authority because he could not risk taking on the loony Left of the ALP who support Gillard; he was fearful of taking a stand that could upset a large segment of the female vote. So much so for leadership. A pure fraud.
Yet on Sunday following the Bill’s passing – the PMO media team had lined up the news crews to take pictures of Rudd and his wife walking out of some church in suburban Brisbane; smiling and making sure that those conducting the Newspoll that weekend got a soft message.
We have to defeat this man.
From: O’Sulllivan, John
Sent:Wednesday, 27 May 2009 12:15 PM
To: Grech, Godwin
Subject: Re: [SEC=PERSONAL]
Couldn’t agree more. Including on late term abortion – whatever one thinks of abortion generally, aborting a fetus capable of living outside the womb is hard to accept. Interestingly the Vic abortion law may have one positive effect namely causing Frank Brennan to think twice about a bill of rights. Paul Kelly nailed this in the Oz this morning…
John O’Sullivan
Australian Investment Banking Department
Credit Suisse (Australia) Limited
Level 31
1 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000
From: Grech, Godwin
Sent: Wednesday, 27 May 2009 1.31 PM
To: O’Sullivan, John
Security Classification: Personal
I am actually hoping Rudd is stupid enough to try to push through with a BOR [Bill of Rights] it will burn him.
27 May 2009
From: Grech, Godwin [mailto:Godwi.Grech@TREASURY.GOV.AU]
Sent:Wednesday, 27 May 2009 3:34 PM
To: O’Sullivan, John
Just had a long catch up with xxx. He spoke very warmly about you. xxx A good fellow who the Party needs. Should do well at the BCA.
27 May 2009
From: O’Sullivan, John
Sent: Wednesday, 27 May 2009 4:36 PM
To: Grech, Godwin
Thanks Godwin. Good to hear that you confirm my initial views about xxx he seemed a very sound fellow indeed to me. We need more like him at the BCA – they are entirely too impartial for my liking. As you no doubt know the Party is in deep financial strife largely caused by the fact that employee bodies are completely partisan while employer bodies are relatively non partisan. Certainly the BCA is. I am going to do what I can to change that and hopefully xxx can help.
John O’Sullivan
Australian Investment Banking Department
Credit Suisse (Australia) Limited
Level 31
1 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000
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