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"I think it's madness to change it. If you walked into a McDonald's hamburger restaurant and they started serving you seafood, you'd be very confused if you were a customer."

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Fresh phlegm

Expectoration in Phillip Street ... Keys hands in his key at St James Hall ... Ginger Snatch reports 

Who's gobbing on Bruce McClintock's door plaque? 

There is evidence of spittle deposits, sometimes greenish in colour, on the senior counsel's brass plaque. 

This shocking state of affairs calls for some sort of action to stop these saliva drenched activities. 

Maybe there needs to be security cameras installed in the corridors of the sixth floor of Selborne-Wentworth. 

Or, even better, DNA tests of all floor members, visiting solicitors and inconsolable clients. 

*   *   *

Sydney's most awesome silk, Stuart (Keys) Littlemore, has decamped from 13th floor St James Hall and wound up at digs in Bourke St. Woolloomooloo. 

Littlemore Chambers at The 'Loo

The rumour mill has the famous author, car-scratcher and journalist-shover winding-down from the bar 'n' grill. 

Surely, his intention would be to continue with more of the spell-binding Harry Curry series. 

These fetching novels trace the adventures of a "renegade barrister" who is described on the cover as "ugly, irascible, intolerant, clever". 

Reviews of the series have not been universally effusive. One critic posted this on Amazon:  

"The writing style didn't grab me ... 'Harry drops the cigarette on the wet pavement - it had been raining - and grinds it under a suede shoe'. I gave up at page 57." 

Another distressing submission about Harry Curry: Counsel of Choice, said: 

"This has to be one of the worst written books I have read. I read his first book and although it was clumsily written it was mildly entertaining. This book plumbs new depths." 

At least he's had Eddie Obeid to keep the home fires burning. The mighty brief told assembled hacks last week that he's being paid $12 a question at ICAC. 

As one reporter remarked: "It pays to be inquisitive." 

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