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Blow the whistle


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Live-streaming of court proceedings ... Mortimer CJ struggles with the good and bad ... Open justice is too "maleable" a concept ... More >> 


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"Creative Australia is an advocate for freedom of artistic expression and is not an adjudicator on the interpretation of art. However, the Board believes a prolonged and divisive debate about the 2026 selection outcome poses an unacceptable risk to public support for Australia's artistic community and could undermine our goal of bringing Australians together through art and creativity."

Statement from Creative Australia following its decision to cancel Khaled Sabsabi and curator Michael Dagostino as the creative team to represent Australia at the Venice Biennale 2026, February 13, 2025 ... Read more flatulence ... 

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Angela Liati

Remember Angela Liati, the "solitary crusader" caught up in the Marcus Einfeld case? ... The cat loving, Boston Legal watcher has some strong views about what needs to be changed about Australia and the legal system ... She was on Justinian's couch in November 2008 ... A tiny treasure from our archive  

In 2006 Angela Liati came forward to declare that former federal judge Marcus Einfeld was not in the speeding car at Mosman.

Instead, Ms Liati claimed she was in the vehicle with an American woman, "Theahresa Brennan", whom she had met at a meditation class. 

If this claim was true, then Marcus would have been off the hook. 

In September 2008 Liati told the District Court that she now remembers she got the day wrong.

She insisted that the trip to Mosman with the mystery Theahresa happened in the car, but "I now know I simply had the wrong day".

On October 31, 2008 Einfeld pleaded guilty to charges of perjury and intending to pervert the course of justice.

Angela Liati faces one charge relating to perverting the course of justice.

Her trial commences before Judge Michael Finnane, without a jury, on February 2, 2009.

She has sacked her legal team and will be appearing for herself.

Christopher Hoy, Ms Liati's previous barrister, has described her as a "solitary crusader" who sought to help a "leading humanitarian and judicial figure".

We learn more as Angela Liati joins us On the Couch.

Describe yourself in three words.

Certainly not boring.

What are you currently reading

"Fundamentals of Trial Techniques", by Thomas A. Mauet and Les A. McCrimmon.

What’s your favourite TV show?

"Boston Legal" - it’s light and funny, but often they make some brilliant points in their closing statements.

Whom or what do you fantasise about?

Judge Finnane declaring me innocent! (What were you thinking?)

What stimulants do you recommend?

Attracting the attention of the media.

What is your most recognised talent?

Seeing the humour ... staying calm in the face of adversity.

What is your greatest fear?


What is your greatest regret?

Not studying law.

What words or phrases do you overuse?

Unprintable, but it starts with "F**" and is followed by "DPP".

Whom do you envy and why?

Marcus Einfeld - he gets recognised more than me.

What is your most disturbing personal obsession?

Reading books by Deepak Chopra and helping people.

What's your most glamorous feature?

My brilliant intellect - although most people fail to notice!

If you were a foodstuff, what would you be?

Undecided between chocolate fudge cake or food for the soul.

What human quality do you most distrust?

Ruthless ambition.

What would you change about Australia?

The NSW Roads and Traffic Authority.

Whom or what do you consider overrated?


What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

Even before I have my Greek coffee I feed and cuddle my cats: Pavarotti (named for his deep meow), Sinatra (the six week old charmer with the blue eyes) and Chloe (the all-white female cutie).

How would you like to die?

It doesn’t matter - as long as it’s final.

What would your epitaph say?

"Sometimes, in spite of all good intentions not all things are possible to us." 

What comes into your mind when you shut your eyes and think of the word "law"

Take your pickLengthy archaic writings; lawyers and wealth; or NIMO - needs immediate major overhaul.

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