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Judicial shockers ... The justice business ... Appeal admonitions ... Sore bottoms for those lower down the chain of command ... Nationwide lapses ... Perfection proves elusive ... Latest from Ginger Snatch ... Read more ...

Politics Media Law Society

Journalism's new poster boy ... Our Julian's long and winding road … Legal quagmire … Espionage Act versus prior restraint of the press … The born-again "journalist" who hates journalism … Establishing a treacherous precedent … Not letting shortcomings swamp the positives ... Read on ... 

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Justinian Columnists

It's too late for the thylacine ... Procrustes closely analyses recent Justinian reports ... The Ippster and Stella Liebeck ... Tort law reform that went beyond the Pale ... In Tassie, no one is allowed to speak for the forests ... Standing up against State rule of the trees ... Where's Syd Shea when you need him? ... Read more ... 

Blow the whistle


News snips ...

Vic's Bar ... Oral history ... Jeff Sher and his famous cases ... More >>

Justinian's Bloggers

Courtroom capers ... Federal Court's digital hiccups ... Principal Registrar in home run ... Pronunciation requirements for names and pre-nominate ... Elocution audit ... Common law shuffle in New South Wales ... Vicki Mole reports ... Read more ... 

"I think it's madness to change it. If you walked into a McDonald's hamburger restaurant and they started serving you seafood, you'd be very confused if you were a customer."

Newington College old boy Peter Thomas arguing against the school admitting female students ... Reported in Guardian Australia, June 21, 2024 ... Read more flatulence ... 

For the latest developments in media law … 

Justinian Featurettes

The election season ... The case for compulsory voting ... Pity the Brits, French and Americans where politicians have to "get out the vote" ... Nathan Twibill on the advantages of the "median voter" strategy ... Vote early, vote often ... Read more ... 

Justinian's archive

Self-promotion ... Academics scramble to peddle influence with High Court judges ... Government seeks new role for s.18C ... Twenty-one years later, the cheque arrives ... Would you eat at a cafe owned by a Cabinet minister? ... From Justinian's Archive, October 27, 2014 ... Read more ... 




Letter from Washington

Trump ramping up his next term ... Wrecking crew of lawyers on his team ... Authoritarian agenda ... New season for the Supreme Court ... Gun rights for perpetrators of domestic violence ... Texas prohibits wealth taxes - forever ... Entrenched voting distortions ... The new Speaker - a Christian Taliban ... Roger Fitch files 

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What next for the stateless?

Indefinite immigration detention overturned ... Parts of the Migration Act out of bounds for politicians ... Procrustes examines the Saloon's big decision - citing Felix Frankfurter, Donald Rumsfeld, WB Yeats and the Curran tax scheme 

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Porridge - but hold the natural justice

Procrustes takes apart his favourite judges and their judgments ... Prisoners and their procedural fairness ... The absolute discretion of the screws ... Revisiting Sir Percy Spender ... Coffee on hold 

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Star of the sea emits a twinkle

Stella Maris ... The Northern Territory Judicial Commission slowly swings into action ... Supreme Court judge to be investigated for "malice" ... Allegations of bullying and delayed judgments ... Mentors and councillors ahoy ... Creating an investigation unlikely to deliver a scalp ... Buffalo Bruce reports 

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Creative possibilities for the law of torts

Barbara McDonald - the high priestess of torts and privacy ... Former torts law professor at the University of Sydney ... What's on the horizon for the development of privacy and other torts ... The bureaucratisation of scholarship and academic life ... Life at the academy ... Interview with Ariana Haghighi 

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Blood and greed

Book review ... Killing for Country: A Family Story ... The colonial land grab ... Entitlement capitalism and the transformation of Australia in the 19th century ... The killing fields of the Native Police ... Failure of the law ... The foundations of a nation's character ... Reviewed by Braham Dabscheck   

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Plenty on the plate

Lehrmann's TV strategy ... Publicity please, but not for Toowoomba ... London lawyers still coining the Bell fallout ... More cases of judicial foot-dragging ... Law Society CEO mystery ... Tickle up ... Candles on Frosty's cake ... Theodora reports 

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Ringside reports

Farrell fallout ... Outstanding work ... Rares to the rescue ... Costs certificates for all ... Big NSW CA case on exorbitant costs and the court's jurisdiction to relieve lawyers of money that isn't theirs ... For whom the Bell tolls ... From Ginger Snatch, Associate of Judges  

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Red bagging

Elephant stamps for best in class ... The silk snafu ... Multiple winners from the same chambers ... Secret process for silk selection ... Smoke and mirrors ... Inside track at the Bar 'n' Grill 

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