The post-Warren world - nominations and odds
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Justinian in Judges, Marilyn Warren, Supreme Court of Victoria

New CJ for the Vic Supremes ... Field set for the Warren Replacement Stakes ... Contenders nominated by Justinian's readers ... Curious odds being offered ... Names most frequently mentioned: Doyle, McLeod and Maxwell 

• Mark Dreyfus 34:1

• Willy Alstergren 15:1

• Neil Young QC 5 to 1 and favourite

• Rachel Doyle SC (daughter of John Doyne, former SA CJ)

• Chris Maxwell at 2:1 odds - has the advantage of a Labor background (from working with Gareth Evans) and civil liberties activism but disadvantages of age (around 61-62, so relatively short tenure) and gender.

• Fiona McLeod at 5:1 - substantial public profile, extensive experience (13 years) as a silk (not to mention the pro, in Labor terms, of having retained the SC rather than QC title) and good links within the profession.

• Susan Kenny at 7:1 - would have been a formidable contender a few years back in light of outstanding professional and academic credentials but, at 64, is probably too old to take on the role for a relatively short tenure.

• Sashi Maharaj at 20:1 - experience is predominantly federal, but would be an exceptional choice if the government wanted to boost inclusivity and diversity on the Supreme Court bench.

• Mark Dreyfus at 25:1 - only if, for example, Malcolm Turnbull singlehandedly thwarts the aliens from Independence Day and his political stocks suddenly zoom up, forcing Dreyfus to seek other employment in preference for becoming attorney general again in 2019. But if the government wanted to reignite the old Australian tradition of appointing politicians to judicial office Dreyfus could start an intriguing conversation about what both realms have to offer each other. 

• Fiona McLeod 3 to 1

• Jim Allsop - better for his new commute!

• Anne Ferguson JA ... lots of approving mmms.

• Chris Maxwell?

• Justice Elliot - 3/1

• President Maxwell 5/1

• Justice Ferguson - 7/1

• Justice Tate - 9/1

• Justice Beach - 15/1

• Will Alstergren QC

• Justice James Elliott - 8:1

• Chris Maxwell P - 15:1

• Justice John Middleton - 6:1 

• Rachel Doyle SC - 6:1

• Fiona McLeod SC - 12:1 

• David Beach - very short odds 

• Richard Niall QC Solicitor General for Victoria. 

• Justice Debbie Mortimer, Federal Court 

• Melinda Richards SC, Crown Counsel 

• Chris Maxwell P: 3:1

• Jack Forrest J: 10:1

• Outsiders: Commercial Bar David Denton QC: 25:1 Criminal Bar: Paul Holdenson QC: 33:1 Common Law: ?????

• The (formerly) Honourable Timothy Carmody 

• Will Alstergren QC: 3/1

• Fiona McLeod 3:1

• Justice Pamela Tate 5:1

• President Chris Maxwell 2:1

• Justice Stephen Kaye 5:1

• Jim Peters 8:1 

• Justice James Elliott 2:1

• John Dever even money 

• Gina Liano 33:1 

Nominations still open ... 

Article originally appeared on Justinian: Australian legal magazine. News on lawyers and the law (
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