Some good, some turnips
Saturday, January 1, 2000
Justinian in Judges

Pricks on the bench ... Kevin McFee JP (High Court candidate) gives an overview of Justinian's Judges Survey from March 1995 ... Anger uncorked ... From our Déjà Vu Department  

Natural selectionNever in living memory has there been such a lively response on a matter of public importance. Justinian's Judges Survey has struck a rich lode of deep-seated concern, damnation and dismay.

We have had a very high response rate to our questionnaire which was sent out late last year. Subscribers were asked to nominate who, in their experience, they considered to be the three best and the three worst judges, and to give reasons.

Some of our subscribers have gone to enormous trouble in preparing very thoughtful answers, which reveal concerns about the calibre, behaviour, selection and capacity of some of our judicial icons.

Within the profession there is obviously frustration about the performance of some judges. The comments we received about behaviour are riddled with words like:

"Lazy ... unsuitable temperament ... rudeness ... lack of intellect ... mad bad and dangerous ... delusions of grandeur ... pomposity ... wastefulness ... bias ... chauvinism ... bullying ... slowness ... corruption ... ineptitude ... pedantry ... gutlessness ... gullibility ... neanderthal ... a disgrace to the bench ... simply appalling ... maniacal."

Other comments dealing with standards, selection and quality are also upsetting:

[Maybe it's time for another Justinian Judges Survey?] 

Article originally appeared on Justinian: Australian legal magazine. News on lawyers and the law (
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